世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/05/24 20:27
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  • Is it cold in Canada?

  • Is it cold over there?

When asking this type of question we have to use the base sentence formation, "is it cold," to ask the question about the temperature. Notice how when asking this question that the verb, "is," comes before the noun; we call this subject-aux inversion which is triggered when you are asking a question. After this phrase you would then either include the words, "in Canada," to talk about the temperature in a specific place, or you could use, "over there," to refer it in a general sense of wherever the person you were talking to is.
この質問には基本形があります。それは "is it cold" です。 ここでは、動詞の "is" が主語の前に来ていますね。これは「主語倒置」と呼ばれるものです。疑問文で起こる現象です。 この後、"in Canada"(カナダでは)と続けて、どこの気温について言っているのか伝えています。 あるいは、"over there"(そっちでは)を使うこともできます。これは相手のいる場所を指します。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Is it cold in Canada?

  • Are you cold over there?

  • Is it cold where you are?

These are some ways to ask your friend if it's cold in Canada: "Is it cold in Canada?" "Are you cold over there?" "Is it cold where you are?" When asking your friend about the weather, you can also say, "How is the weather in Canada? Is it cold?" These phrases will start a great conversation with your friend.
「カナダは寒いですか」と尋ねる言い方です: "Is it cold in Canada?"(カナダは寒いですか) "Are you cold over there?"(そっちは寒いですか) "Is it cold where you are?"(そっちは寒いですか) また、次のように言うこともできます。 "How is the weather in Canada? Is it cold?"(カナダはどんな天気ですか、寒いですか) どのフレーズも友達との会話のきっかけにピッタリだと思います。
Sabya DMM英会話講師
  • Is it cold in Canada?

  • Is it cold over there?

Is it Cold in Canada? カナダは寒いですか? Is it cold over there? そちらは寒いですか? どちらの表現でもokなので是非ご友人と英語で会話してみてくださいね! 参考になると幸いです。
Rui I DMM英会話講師
  • Is it cold in Canada?

  • Is the weather cold in Canada?

When you want to ask a friend whether it is cold in Canada; then you may do so in the following ways: -Is it cold in Canada? -Is the weather cold in Canada? -Is it always cold in Canada? How cold it is there compared to Japan?
「カナダは寒いですか」は次のように言えます。 -Is it cold in Canada?(カナダは寒いですか) -Is the weather cold in Canada?(カナダは寒いですか) -Is it always cold in Canada? How cold it is there compared to Japan?(カナダはいつも寒いのですか。日本と比べるとどのくらい寒いですか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • "Is it cold in Canada?"

  • "Is it cold over there in Canada?"

  • "How cold is the weather in Canada?"

If you were talking to a friend in Canada, and you want to ask if the weather is cold there, you could ask any of the following: "Is it cold in Canada?", "Is it cold over there in Canada?" or "How cold is the weather in Canada?".
カナダにいる友達に今カナダが寒いかどうか聞きたいということですね。次のように言えます。 "Is it cold in Canada?"(カナダは寒いですか) "Is it cold over there in Canada?"(カナダは寒いですか) "How cold is the weather in Canada?"(カナダはどのくらい寒いですか)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Is it cold there?

  • Is it cold in Canada?

Canada is a country that gets very cold in the winter so depending on the time of year and where your friend lives it may or may not be cold. Is it cold there now? Is it cold there all year or just in the winter? How cold is it over there?
カナダは、冬になると寒い国です。ですから、時期やどこに住んでいるかによって、寒かったり寒くなかったりすると思います。 Is it cold there now?(今はそっちは寒いですか) Is it cold there all year or just in the winter?(そちらは一年中寒いのですか、それとも冬だけですか) How cold is it over there?(今そちらはどのくらい寒いですか)
Pamela E DMM英会話講師
  • What's the weather like in Canada?

  • Is it cold there?

  • I hope it's not too coldthere, is it?

If you have a friend who lives in Canada, and you would like to find out the temperature or the weather there, you can ask any of the following questions, such as :- 1. What's the weather like in Canada? Here is an example of houw you could use this question:- Jenny and Wendy are talking about the weather- Jenny - Congratulations on your beautiful wedding, I saw the pictures. Wendy - Thanks, I am so glad everything turned out Ok!, and the weather was beautiful and sunny. Jenny - Oh, that's great, I wish I could see a sunny day! Wendy -What's the weather like in Canada? Jenny - Well, it looks like we wil be having a very cold winter this year, the temperature has been below 20 degrees all week. 2. Is it cold there? You can ask this direct question to someone if you wanrt to know thetemperature where he/she is. 3. I hope it's not too coldthere, is it? Even though this is a question, it starts off with a statement.
カナダに住む友人にカナダの天気や気温について聞きたいということですね。次のように言えます。 1. What's the weather like in Canada?(カナダの天気はどんな感じですか) 例えば、次のように使えます。 ジェニーとウェンディが天気について話しています。 ジェニー - Congratulations on your beautiful wedding, I saw the pictures.(結婚おめでとう、結婚式の写真見たよ) ウェンディ - Thanks, I am so glad everything turned out Ok!, and the weather was beautiful and sunny. (ありがとう、うまくいってよかった。天気も素晴らしかったし) ジェニー - Oh, that's great, I wish I could see a sunny day!(あ、そうなんだ。よかったね。こっちも晴れてほしいよ) ウェンディ -What's the weather like in Canada?(カナダの天気はどんな感じなの?) ジェニー - Well, it looks like we wil be having a very cold winter this year, the temperature has been below 20 degrees all week.(今年の冬はかなり寒いみたい。今週はずっと20度以下だったよ) 2. Is it cold there?(そちらは寒いですか) これは相手の今いる所の天気について聞きたいときに使えます。ストレートな聞き方です。 3. I hope it's not too cold there, is it?(あんまり寒くないといいけど、どうですか) これは質問ですが、まず平叙文で始めています。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
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