世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/05/04 10:35
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  • Are there any songs you would recommend?

Are there any songs you would recommend? [おすすめ](の[曲](ありますか? 次回は是非この表現を使ってみてください! 曲ではなく、アーチストのおすすめを聞きたい場合は、"songs"を "artists"または"bands (バンド)"に入れ替えてください。
  • Do you have some recommendations?

  • What are your recommendations?

  • Do you have some tunes you'd like to recommend?

『おすすめの[品](」はrecommendation(s)です。 その前につけるのは、anyでもOKですが、Yesの答えを期待している場合は(この場合もおそらくそうですよね)some になります。 I wanted to ask (him) what were his recommendations, but I failed. (彼におすすめの曲を教えてほしかったけどうまく言えませんでした)
  • What songs do you currently like best of all?

  • If you had to go on a desert island with just 2 songs, what would they be?

There are a few ways that you may extract this information from your friend. Probably he will not appreciate exactly what your style of music is, howver, you could ask about songs that are current: "What songs do you currently like best of all?" "I still like the old songs best - like the Gygpsy Kings." "OK, I'll try to listen to some of their stuff." You could also ask about the imaginary situation of being on a desert island with just 2 songs: "Oh, I'd choose the Beatles, 'Here Comes The Sun' and Presley's 'Crying In The Chapel."
友達からおすすめをきく言い方っていうのは実はあんまりない。音楽っていいうのは一人ひとりスタイルがあるだろうし、相手はあなたのスタイルだってわからないだろうしね。 けど、「最近の」、とつけるだけで聞きやすくなるんです。 "What songs do you currently like best of all?" 最近聞いた中でベストは何? "I still like the old songs best - like the Gygpsy Kings."ジプシーキングスがそれでも好きだよ。 "OK, I'll try to listen to some of their stuff." 彼らの曲きいてみるよ。 無人島に遭難してしまったシチュを想像してこうきくこともできるよね。 例:"Oh, I'd choose the Beatles, 'Here Comes The Sun' and Presley's 'Crying In The Chapel."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Got any songs you'd recommend?

  • What's the one song you'd recommend for someone to listen to?

1つ目の英文例は、ちょっと口語的な表現ですが、Do you have/Are there any をもっとカジュアルにした場合、Got が使えます。 (Got a second? = 時間ある?) 2つ目の英文例はオープンエンドの質問ですが、「おすすめの曲といえば何?」みたいなニュアンスとなります。 参考までに(^^)
  • What's your favorite song?

ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 一例をご紹介します。 {英訳例} What's your favorite song? お気に入りの曲は何ですか。 {解説} 好きな曲を尋ねてみてはどうでしょう。 好きな曲=オススメの曲、かなと思います。 favorite は「お気に入りの, 大好きな」という意味です。 {例} Do you have a favorite movie? 好きな映画はありますか。 Do you have a favorite TV show? 好きなテレビ番組はありますか。 Do you have a favorite quote? 好きな名言はありますか。 What kind of music do you like? どんな音楽が好きですか。 ~~~~~ どうでもいい話のコーナー。 I've Gotta Get A Message To You Slip Slidin' Away ↑↑↑この二つ最強です。 これが言いたくて回答しました。ごめんなさい。 どうもありがとうございました。
  • What are some songs you recommend?

  • Do you have any song recommendations?

  • I need new songs to listen to. Any recommendations?

Also, Can you suggest some good songs I can listen to? I'm bored with my playlist. Any new song suggestions? What are some good song suggestions? I need new songs to listen to. Any recommendations?
他の例文 Can you suggest some good songs I can listen to? 私が聞くことができる良い曲を いくつか教えて頂けませんか? I'm bored with my playlist. Any new song suggestions? 自分のプレイリストに飽きた。 新しいおすすめの曲はない? What are some good song suggestions? おすすめの良い曲は何ですか? I need new songs to listen to. Any recommendations? 聞くことが出来る新しい曲が必要だ。 何かおすすめの曲はある?
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • What songs would you recommend to me?

  • What are your favorite songs?

The first question is straightforward. If he/she recommends some songs to me, it means that he/she likes listening to those songs. It would also mean that I would also like them. So, you may ask: What songs would you recommend to me? The word 'favorite' functions as a noun, an adjective and a verb. In this instance, it has been used as an adjective.and it means 'preferred to all others of the same kind'. If he/she has favorite songs that he/she likes listening to, you might likewise like listening to them. So, you may ask: What are your favorite songs?
最初の質問は単刀直入です。 私におすすめの曲を何曲か 教えてくれれば、その曲を 聞くのが好きだということに なります。 又私もその曲が好きだと いうことも意味します。 ですからこう尋ねる ことができます。 例文 What songs would you recommend to me? どの曲がおすすめですか? "favorite"という語には、名詞、形容詞、動詞 の機能があります。 この場合は形容詞として使われて いて、”他の同種の物より好きだ” という意味です。 もし聞いているお気に入りの曲が あるのならば、あなたもその曲を 聞くのが好きかもしれません。 ですからこう尋ねる ことができます。 例文 What are your favorite songs? お気に入りの曲は何ですか?
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Which song(s) do you recommend I listen to?

  • What song(s) do you like?

When inquiring about one's musical recommendations it's best to use a simple direct question. The interrogatives "which" or "what" will suffice. The noun "song" can be used in the singular or plural depending on how many recommendations you're interested in receiving, Personally, I recommend an old classic by Freddy Martin called Bumble Boogie. I hope this helps:)
音楽のおすすめの曲を聞く 時は、シンプルで直接的な 質問をするのが一番です。 ”which”や”what”という疑問詞 で十分です。 ”song”という名詞は、おすすめの 曲が何曲欲しいかによって、 単数又は複数形で使うことが できます。 例文 Personally, I recommend an old classic by Freddy Martin called Bumble Boogie. 個人的には、Bumble Boogieと 呼ばれる Freddy Martinの 古い曲をおすすめするよ。
Lashawn DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any songs you can recommend.

  • With regards to music, what is your all time favorite.

All time means your favorite of all choices, during all times. This means a song you will always love no matter what. It will always be your favorite from a long time. For example: exican food is my all time favorite for any meal. Nothing will ever be better.
「All time」とは、好きな時間を選べるということを意味します。 これは、いつもどんなときも愛している歌を意味します。 長い間、いつもお気に入りです。 例えば、 Mexican food is my all time favorite for any meal. 「メキシコ料理はいつもお気に入りです。」 Nothing will ever be better. 「これ以上良いものはありません。」
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Do you recommend any songs?

  • What songs do you like?

I really like music but I would like to find some new music, what songs do you like? I'm putting together a playlist for the party, do you recommend any songs?
音楽大好きなんだけど、最近新しい種類の音楽を探しているんだ。 どんな曲が好き? パーティ用のプレイリストを作っているんだけど、何かオススメある?
Alistair W DMM英会話講師
  • Can you suggest any good songs?

  • Do you have any songs that you would like to propose?

Can you suggest any good songs and Do you have any songs that you would like to propose? - Means that you would like to know the type of songs that the person thinks are good to listen to.
例文 Can you suggest any good songs 何かおすすめの良い曲を教えて頂けますか? Do you have any songs that you would like to propose? おすすめしたい曲が何かありますか? その人が聞くのが良いと思っている 曲の種類を聞きたいということです。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any songs to recommend?

  • What are your recommendations?

recommend (verb) put forward something with approval as being suitable for a particular purpose recommendations (noun) the action of recommending something or someone ________________________________________________________________ Example A: What is your favorite genre? B: Opera A: I've never listened to opera music before. Do you have any songs you can recommend me?
recommend (verb) put forward something with approval as being suitable for a particular purpose Recommend(動詞)は、勧めると言う意味で、ある目的を成し遂げるために適切な提案をすること。 recommendations (noun) the action of recommending something or someone おすすめ(名詞) 何かまたは誰かを勧めること。 ≪例文≫ A. What is your favorite genre? (あなたの好きなジャンル(の曲)は何ですか?) B. Opera (オペラ) A. I've never listened to opera music before. Do you have any songs you can recommend me? (オペラは聴いたことがありません。何かおすすめの曲はありますか?)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • What are you listening too lately?

If you are looking for new music ask what they are listening too lately? People go through many different phases of music and it is always best to ask what they are recently listening too. You can ask what their favorite songs are but that will most likely give you songs you already know.
Andrew P DMM英会話講師
  • What music are you into?

  • Is there any music you would recommend for me?.

The first one above you would be asking them what music they listen to. The second above you would be asking them to give you songs that they think you would like.
一つ目の例では、普段どんな音楽を聞いているか尋ねています。 二つ目の例では、相手のおすすめの歌を尋ねています。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any music recommendations?

  • What would you like to play?

"Do you have any music recommendations?" Is a polite way of asking if anyone has any recommended songs to be played, 'recommendations' is a term used when someone would suggest something to someone else, something good and they think that they might enjoy. "What would you like to play?" When referring to 'play' this is talking about playing music, 'play' for short.
"Do you have any music recommendations?"(おすすめの曲はありますか) 何の曲をかけるかについて、相手のおすすめを丁寧に尋ねています。'recommendations' は、人に何かを薦めるときに使われます。 "What would you like to play?"(何をかけましょうか) 'play' とは 'play music'(音楽をかける)のことです、それを省略しているわけです。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • What are your favorite songs at the moment?

  • What songs do you think I might enjoy?

  • What songs should I have on my playlist?

When asking for music recommendations we can use the sentences above. Finding great new music to listen to is always fun, we can find our next favorite song, or we might discover a song that we can use for studying. Music helps us to pass the time, it helps us to relax and feel good in all moments. "What songs are great to jam to lately?" "What songs can you recommend I listen to?" Jam to: listen to, dance to
これらは、音楽のおすすめを聞くときのフレーズです。素晴らしい新たな音楽を見つけるのは楽しく、新たなお気に入りの音楽が見つかったり、勉強の時に使える音楽を発見できるかもしれません。音楽は、時間を忘れさせてくれるし、リラックスしてゆったりと過ごすことができます。   "What songs are great to jam to lately?" (最近のおすすめの曲は何?) "What songs can you recommend I listen to?" (おすすめの曲は何?) Jam to: ~をきく、踊る
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • do you have any songs that you would recommend?

  • what is your favorite song at the moment?

to speak formally you could say "do you have any songs that you would recommend?" more casually you could say "what is your favorite song at the moment?
フォーマルな場面なら、"do you have any songs that you would recommend?"(おすすめの曲はありますか)と言えます。 "what is your favorite song at the moment?"(今気に入っている曲は何ですか)は、よりカジュアルな言い方です。
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any songs that you recommend?

  • Do you have a favorite song?

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・Do you have any songs that you recommend? おすすめの曲はありますか? ・Do you have a favorite song? お気に入りの曲はありますか? favorite は「1番好きな」と訳すことができます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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