世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/21 21:49
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  • I don't know how much of it is true

ここでの「It」は「あなたの言っていること」を指します。 よって I don't know how much of it is true. どこまでが本当なのかわからない。 「なぜなら」を足すと Because you always joke around いつもふざけてるから
ALPHA English 英会話カフェ
  • I don't know what to believe...

「何を信じればいいか分からない…」見たいなニュアンスで You're always joking around so I don't know what to believe.
  • I don't know if what he says is true or a joke.

  • I am not sure if he is serious or just goofing off when he says something.

It's difficult to know if what someone says is true or a joke if that person is always goofing off. In such a situation, you can use any of these statement:- 1. I don't know if what he says is true or a joke. 2. I am not sure if he is serious or just goofing off when he says something. Both these statements have similar meaning and that is, that you cannot tell if the person is serious or not whenever they say something, because they are always goofing off.
いつもふざけている人は、言っていることが本当か冗談なのかわかりにくいですね。このような場合には、ご紹介した例文をどれでも使うことができます。 1. I don't know if what he says is true or a joke. 2. I am not sure if he is serious or just goofing off when he says something. いずれの例文も同じような意味で、いつもふざけているから何を言っても真剣なのかそうでないのかわからないということを表しています。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I can never believe a word you say!

  • Why should I believe you when you're always messing about?

  • Ninety percent of what you say is bullshit!

Intonation is everything and the way you say any of these phrases dictates exactly the meaning you intend. These phrases may be said aggressively, laughingly or sarcastically! "Hey John, did you know that someone put a sign on your back that says, DUMB?" "I can never believe a word you say! Ninety percent of what you say is bullshit!" "OK. If you want to walk around all day like that, it's your choice!" Bullshit = noun - stupid or untrue talk or writing; nonsense. verb -talk nonsense to (someone) in an attempt to deceive them.
イントネーションがすべてで、これらのフレーズは言い方次第で意味が変わります。これらのフレーズは攻撃的に、笑いながら、あるいは皮肉っぽく言うことができます! 【例文】 "Hey John, did you know that someone put a sign on your back that says, DUMB?" (やぁ、ジョン、誰かが背中にDUMBって書いたサインを貼っているの知ってた?) "I can never believe a word you say! Ninety percent of what you say is bullshit!" (君の言うことは何も信じられない!君の言うことの90%はデタラメだ!) "OK. If you want to walk around all day like that, it's your choice!" (いいよ。そのまま一日歩き回りたいなら、そうすれば!) Bullshit = 名詞 - 馬鹿なあるいは真実でない話や文章、ナンセンス 動詞 - 騙そうと人にナンセンスを話すこと
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Not sure how much is true!

  • He always exaggerates when he tell a story, I'm not sure how much is actually true!

"Not sure" how much is true...In this case means..."I have a hard time believing him". We all have that one friened who is a bit of a "Zany" character... Who always "comes out with" crazy stories of his " adventures and exploits". We may choose to "take it all, with a "pich of salt" (idiom for disbelief)
"Not sure" how much is true...とは、この場合、彼を信用することが難しいといった意味になります。 みんな一人は、いつもおかしな話を思いついてそれを言うようなひょうきんな友達がいるものです。    みなさん鵜呑みにしないで聞いていることでしょう。 pinch of saltとは、鵜呑みにしないというイディオムです。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • He tells tales

  • Sometimes I think he is spinning yarns

  • Take him with a pinch/grain of salt

A "tale" is a story. So to "tell tales" is to make up stories, but is very commonly used in the UK to describe a person that may tell lies and exaggerate. It isnt nice to say it about someone but it certainly is the most gentle way of describing such a person, and is also used to describe when children make things up. To "take someone with a pinch of salt" is to say that you cannot be sure whether the person is telling you the truth. It can also mean that you believe a little of what they say but that you suspect they may also be exaggerating. It's an old English idiom, that is common in daily use. You can say grain or pinch, although in the UK it is more common to say 'pinch'. "Spinning yarns" is similar to "telling tales", it means you think they could be making up stories, telling lies or exaggerating. To spin yarn, is to make animal fleece into yarn, otherwise known as wool or thread.
 "tale"とはお話のことです。"tell tales" とは、話を作り上げることですが、イギリスでは嘘を言う、または大げさに話すことを意味します。誰かのことをそのように表現するのはいいことではありませんが、このような人を表現するのには、一番いい方法だと思います。また子供が話を作り上げるときにも使われる表現です。  "take someone with a pinch of salt" とは、その人が本当のことを言っているのかどうなのか確かではないという意味です。また、その人が言うことをあなたは少しは信じてはいるけれど、大げさに言っているのではとあやしがっているという意味でもあります。 これは、古くからあるイディオムで、日常会話で普通に使われます。  イギリスでは'pinch'と言うことの方が普通ですが、grain or pinchと言うこともできます。   "Spinning yarns" も "telling tales"とよく似たフレーズです。あなたが、誰かが嘘をついたり、誇張したりして話を作り上げていると思っているという意味です。To spin yarnとはもともと、動物の毛を糸にするという意味です。 wool や threadとして知られています。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • how honest he is , or how reliable, or how trustworthy

  • untruthful

  • take with a pinch of salt

example "i don't know how much of what he say's is true". or "I take what he say's with a pinch of salt". meaning not always truthful. or "i'm not sure how reliable he is". or "not sure how honest he is".
例: "I don't know how much of what he say's is true" 彼が言っていることが、どのくらい本当なのかわからない。  "I take what he say's with a pinch of salt" 彼が言うことを鵜呑みにはしません。  "I'm not sure how reliable he is" 彼が、どのくらい信用できるかわかりません。   "Not sure how honest he is" 彼が、どのくらい正直かわからない。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I'm never sure if he/she's telling the truth.

  • I can't believe a word he says.

  • He/she's always goofing off, who knows if it's true.

Using the word, "never," in the first example shows that whenever he says something, it usually a joke or lie based on your past experiences. The second example talks about how you can't believe or trust what they say.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I take everything that you say with a pinch of salt.

  • Are you telling the truth or is this another tall tale?

You can say the above sentences to get your point across to your friend. We say "take it with a pinch of salt" when we mean that you must not always believe what you hear. So when you tell him that you take his words with a pinch of salt, you are telling him that you are never sure whether he is speaking truthfully. The phrase "tall tale" usually refers to a lie or something that you generally find hard to believe.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • He is always joking around, I don't know when he's being serious or not.

In this situation when someone is always making jokes it can be hard to tell if they are telling the truth or joking. It's because you are so used to them joking around, it's hard to take them seriously when they are actually being serious.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I never know what to believe.

  • I never know if he/she is telling the truth.

We all know someone in our lives that makes us question whether what they are saying is true or not because they are never that serious. Examples; - My colleague is very silly and you can never truly believe what she says.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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