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2015/11/21 21:51
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  • Better than not having

似た意味ででbetter than nothingだと何もないよりあったほうがいいという意味になります
  • It is better to have and not need, than to need and not have.

  • I'll take this just in case.

It is better to have and not need, than to need and not have. 必要にならないものを持っている方が、必要なのに持っていないことより良い。 I'll take this just in case. just in case =念のため 念のため持って行こう。 旅行の荷造りって楽しいですがあれもこれもと詰めていくとどんどん大変な量なってしまいますよね!
  • I better take it just in case.

  • It's there if I need it.

  • I may not need it, but I'll take it anyway.

英訳1:just in caseは「念のため」という意味です。 英訳2:「必要になったら、そこにある」→「もしかしたら必要になるかもしれない」ということ。 英訳3:「必要ではないかもしれないけど、一応持って行こう」ということ。 ちなみに、日本語の「備えあれば憂いなし」や「後悔先に立たず」のようによく言われる表現は、It's better to be safe than sorry.です。 その他いろいろ: You never know what you may need (until you get there). You never know what could happen. Who knows? I might need it.
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • I'll take it just in case.

  • It's better to have it just in case.

  • It's better to have and not need, than to need and not have.

"It's better to have and not need, than to need and not have." - This is a popular old saying which simply means it is better to have something just in case you need it. A shorter way to express this is to say, "I'll take it just in case" or "It's better to have it in case I need it."
"It's better to have and not need, than to need and not have."-これは人気のある古い言葉で、必要な場合に備えて何かを持っている方が良いということです。 より簡単に言うには、"I'll take it just in case"または、"It's better to have it in case I need it."でも大丈夫です。
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • better safe than sorry

  • better be prepared

Example "i would pack that raincoat, better safe than sorry!". or "i would rather be well prepared" or "over prepared" or "ready for any eventuality".
例: "I would pack that raincoat, better safe than sorry!" 私なら念のため、レインコートを入れていくよ。  "I would rather be well prepared" もしくは "over prepared" しっかり準備していくほうがいいわ。  "Ready for any eventuality" 万が一に備えて。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Best to prepare for every eventuality.

  • 2. You never know when you might need it!

  • 3. If the situation arises, I'll be prepared!

1. Every eventuality = anything that might happen 2. This means that you may take something that could be useful but you are not sure. For example, a mosquito net. 3. You state you will need this item if it is necessary - again, like a mosquito net, insect repellent, etc
1.Every eventuality =起こりうる何か 2.役に立つかもしれないけど確信が持てないことを意味する。たとえば、蚊帳なんかね。 3. あなたが蚊帳、昆虫スプレーなど、必要になればこのアイテムが必要であると述べる表現です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Better safe than sorry

  • Just in case

To be 'better safe than sorry' means to do something so that in the future you will not feel regret if you did not do it. A popular example of when we use this phrase would be when you grab an umbrella before you leave the house, even if it is not raining, just in case it does rain when you are out. You could pick up the umbrella and say "Better safe than sorry!".
better safe than sorry'とは、何かをしておくと、後から後悔しないという意味です。 最もよくある例は、雨が降っていなくても、念のため雨が降った時のことを考えて、家をでるときに傘をもっていくことです。傘を持って、"Better safe than sorry!"「後悔するよりいいからね」と言うことができます。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Better than nothing.

  • Better safe than sorry.

If you are packing your bags to go on a trip and you see something that you might not need but will take anyway, you can use one of these sentences to help you out. For example. What is that? It is an umbrella. We are going to Dubai. Better safe than sorry. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I'll rather be safe than sorry.

  • I'll have this just in case I need it.

I'll rather be safe than sorry, is a term that is used when thinking of being prepared for something before it happens. For example, having candles and batteries for the house in case of a power outage. Or, having an extra bottle of sunscreen on vacation! I'll have this just in case I need it, works just the same as the other statement. You are prepared in case of an emergency or if you need something at any time.
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
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