If you leave your clothes in the washer too long they get stinky because they're still half wet.
If you don't take your clothes out of the washer right away they can start to smell because they're still wet.
1) If you leave your clothes in the washer too long they get stinky because they're still half wet.
2) If you don't take your clothes out of the washer right away they can start to smell because they're still wet.
leave one's clothes in the washer
not take one's clothes out of the washer
get stinky
start to smell
"If you leave the laundry in the washing machine for too long, it might start to smell musty."
「洗濯物を洗濯機の中に残しといたら生臭くなる」を英語で表現する場合、"If you leave the laundry in the washing machine for too long, it might start to smell musty." というフレーズが使えます。"musty" は「カビ臭い」「湿っぽい」という意味で、長時間放置された洗濯物に発生しがちな不快な臭いを指します。
- "It could get a bad smell if you leave it in there for too long."(あまり長い間そこに置いておくと悪臭がするかもしれません)
- "It might start to smell if you don't put it in the dryer soon."(すぐに乾燥機に入れないと、臭いが出てくるかもしれません)
- **Laundry**(洗濯物)
- **Washing machine**(洗濯機)
- **Musty**(カビ臭い)
- **Dryer**(乾燥機)
- **Leave**(残す、放置する)