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2019/06/14 18:07
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  • 25 years old

歳=years old years=年 old=としを取る 別に老人じゃなくても「歳」=years old. 1歳の赤ちゃんでも 1 year oldと言います。一年も生きているからです。 ちなみに「25歳の誕生日おめでとう!」は英語で "Happy 25th birthday!" と言います。「25番目の誕生日おめでとう!」って意味です。
Ben L DMM英会話プロ翻訳家
  • 25 years old

  • Quater of a century

  • Alive for 25 years

There are many ways to express that someone has been alive for 25 years:- 1. My sister is 25 years old. 2. I turned a quarter of a century today, it's my birthday! 3. My dog has been alive for 25 years.
「25歳」はいろいろな言い方ができます。 1. My sister is 25 years old.(妹は25歳です) 2. I turned a quarter of a century today, it's my birthday!(今日25歳になりました。私の誕生日です) 3. My dog has been alive for 25 years.(私の犬は25年生きています)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • 25 years old

  • A quarter of a century

The most common expression is "25 years old", but occasionally you will hear "A quarter of a century." (A century = 100 years. So 1/4 is 25 years.) Example Sentences: "Mark turned 25 years old today!" "I did not know you were 25 years old." "Tom is a quarter of a century old today!" "Wow! How does it feel to be a quarter of a century old?"
25歳のことを一般的に "25 years old"と言いますが、たまに"A quarter of a century."と聞くことがあるかもしれません。 (1世紀は100年なので、4分の1で25年となります 例文: "Mark turned 25 years old today!" (マークは今日で25歳になった!) "I did not know you were 25 years old." (あなたが25歳なの知らなかった。) "Tom is a quarter of a century old today!" (トムは今日で25歳だ!) "Wow! How does it feel to be a quarter of a century old?" (わぁ!25歳はどんな気分?)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Mid-20's

  • An adult.

  • 25 years of age.

Someone who is 25 years old is an adult, they are soon to be reaching 30 so they aren't young adults any longer. The Mid-20s is the middle twenties. "He is in his mid-20s." "I am now in my mid-20s, life is not the same, I have more responsibilities than I did before."
25歳は大人で、すぐに30歳になってしまうので、若者とは言えなくなってくるでしょう。 The Mid-20s とは、the middle twenties(20代半ば)という意味です。   "He is in his mid-20s." (彼は20代半ばだ。) "I am now in my mid-20s, life is not the same, I have more responsibilities than I did before." (20代半ばで、人生がこれまでと同じではない。以前より責任がついてくる。)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • 25 years old

  • 25 years of age.

  • 25th birthday

25歳でもいろんな言い方があります。 She is 25 years old. She is 25 years of age. 上記の二つはまったく同じ意味です。 意味は”彼女は25歳です。”になります。 誕生日の当日なら Today is her 25th birthday. 今日は彼女の25歳の誕生日です。 と言えるでしょう。
Riyo W DMM英会話講師
  • A 25 year old

  • Mid twenties

  • twenty something

There is no specific word for someone who is 25 years old. 25 years is a quarter of a century, but this is used to mark time,not when talking about age. e.g. It has been a quarter of a century since our last royal wedding. If I wanted to describe someone who is twenty-five years old, there are a few phrases I could use. He is a handsome man in his mid-twenties. - meaning he is in the middle of his 20s e.g. 20--30=25 She left university in her mid-twenties and got a job as a teacher. I can also use the phrase 'twenty-something' if I don't know exactly how old the person is e.g. 24, 25, 26 She is a twenty something-year-old woman who lives alone. However, if I was to describe a building I could use the phrase quarter of a century. e.g. This house was built a quarter of a century ago - meaning 25 years ago. :)
「25歳の人」を一言で表す言葉はありません。25年は 'a quarter of a century'(四半世紀)ですが、これは年齢については使いません、時間について使います。 例: It has been a quarter of a century since our last royal wedding. (最後のロイヤルウエディングから四半世紀がたちました) 「25歳の人」について説明するなら、いくつか使える表現があります。 He is a handsome man in his mid-twenties.(彼は20代半ばのハンサムな男性です) ※ これは「20代半ば」という意味です。例えば、20--30=25。 She left university in her mid-twenties and got a job as a teacher.(彼女は20代半ばで大学をやめて先生になった) その人の年齢が分からないなら 'twenty-something'(20代の人)も使えます。例えば、24、25、26。 She is a twenty something-year-old woman who lives alone.(彼女は一人暮らしの20代の女性です) もし建物について言うなら、'a quarter of a century' も使えます。 例: This house was built a quarter of a century ago(この建物は四半世紀前[25年前]に建てられた)
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • "25 years old"

  • "Their age is a quarter of a century"

  • "Someone who is in their mid-twenties"

If you wanted to express that someone has been alive for twenty five years and want to state their age, you could say any of the following: "25 years old", "Their age is a quarter of a century" or "Someone who is in their mid-twenties". All three of these statement explain the age of someone who is twenty five years of age and has been alive for that long.
「25歳」は次のように表すことができます。 "25 years old"(25歳) "Their age is a quarter of a century"(彼の年齢は25歳です) "Someone who is in their mid-twenties"(20代半ばの人) 全て「25歳の人」を説明する言い方です。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • 25 years old

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「25 years old」 =25歳 (例文)My girlfriend is turning 25 next week. (訳)私の彼女は来週25歳になります。 (例文)My girlfriend is 25 years old. (訳)私の彼女は25歳です。 単語: girlfriend 彼女 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
  • twenty five years old

  • twenty fifth birthday

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ 「25才」はtwenty five years oldと言います。 例) My girlfriend is twenty five years old. 「彼女は25才です」 また、 「25歳の誕生日」は、twenty fifth birthdayと言います。 例) Today is her twenty fifth birthday. 「今日は彼女の25歳の誕生日です」 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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