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2019/06/16 14:21
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  • Job evaluation.

  • Job interview.

  • Work interview.

Job interviews are the employers' way of getting to know potential employees. These interviews consist of questions asked by the interviewer, these questions try to get to know you as a person and how you can provide positive attributes to the company. Your resume will be looked through and discussed with you to confirm the details therein. Potential: might be, possible Attributes: features "I have a big job interview tomorrow morning."
Job interviews(採用面接)は、雇い主が従業員になる見込みのある人のことを知るためのものです。 この面接は、面接官に質問を受け、この質問というのは、あなたのことを知るこののできるものやその会社にどれほどのポジティブな特徴ができるかなどです。   Potential: 見込みのある、可能性のある Attributes: 特徴   "I have a big job interview tomorrow morning." (明日の午前中に採用面接がある。)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • job interview

"interview"というと、日本語では堅いイメージを持ちますが、結構幅広く使われます。例えば、"I am nervous of the coming job interview."みたいに使います。就職活動がんばってください。
Keisuke Tamori 米国公認会計士
  • Job interview

  • Screening interview

A JOB INTERVIEW is the name of the interview that is done to see whether someone is fit forjob or not. Sometimes job applicants will also have to do a SCREENING INTERVIEW to see if the applicant has the qualifications needed to do the job. The SCREENING INTERVIEW is usually the first interview in the hiring process.
"JOB INTERVIEW" は、従業員を採用するために行う面接をいいます。 また、求職者は仕事によって "SCREENING INTERVIEW" を受けなければならないこともあります。"SCREENING INTERVIEW" とは、応募者の仕事に対する資質を判断する一次面接のことです。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • "job interview"

  • "work interview"

A situation in which an interview is done for the purpose of seeing whether someone is fit for a job or to decide whether or not to hire someone, is commonly referred to as either a "job interview"or "work interview".
人を雇うのにその人がふさわしいかどうかを見極める面接を、 "job interview"や "work interview"と言います。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Aptitude Test

  • Psychometric Test

  • Pre-employment Assessment

1.Aptitude Test An aptitude test is basically a examination to test the candidate's ability and to see whether the person will be a perfect fit for the job. 2. Psychometric Test A psychometric test is a scientific test used to test a potential candidate's ability to cope with a particular job. 3. Pre-employment Assessment Pre-employment assessments are tests used to narrow down the candidates to the last2 or 3 in order to then eventually find the best person for the job.
1. Aptitude Test(適性検査) "Aptitude Test" は、応募者がその仕事にふさわしいかどうかを判断するためのテストです。 2. Psychometric Test(心理テスト) "Psychometric Test" は、応募者がその仕事にふさわしいかどうかを科学的に判断するテストです。 3. Pre-employment Assessment(適性検査) "Pre-employment Assessment" は、応募者を絞り込むためのテストです。そこから最終的に採用する人を決めるということ。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Interview

  • Evaluation

Interview or Job interview is the most common expression for this situation. You may also hear the term "Evaluation." This would be a test to see if someone was suitable for a job, but this would generally follow an interview. Example Sentences: "I have a job interview in the morning." "What are you wearing to the interview?" "How was the job interview?" "I am relieved to be done with the job interview." "Following the interview, there will be a technical evaluation." "The interview went well, but I was not confident during the perfomance evaluation."
InterviewやJob interviewは、最も一般的な「面接」を意味する言葉です。 また "Evaluation."という言葉を聞いたことがあるかもしれませんが、これは、その人がその仕事にふさわしいかをテストするもので、普通interviewにあるものです。    例文: "I have a job interview in the morning." (午前中に面接があります。) "What are you wearing to the interview?" (面接に何を着ますか?) "How was the job interview?" (採用面接はどうでしたか?) "I am relieved to be done with the job interview." (採用面接が終わってほっとした。) "Following the interview, there will be a technical evaluation." (面接の次に、実技試験があります。) "The interview went well, but I was not confident during the perfomance evaluation." (面接はうまくいったけど、実技テストは自信がない。)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • interview

  • job interview

An interview is when you are asked questions by a person to learn more about you. So, you could just say "interview" and people would likely know what you are talking about. If you want to be more specific, you can use the phrase, "job interview". I have a job interview today at two o'clock.
interview' は、相手のことを知るために質問をしていくことをいいます。ですから、単に "interview" でも、就職面接だと伝わる可能性が高いです。 より明確に言いたいなら、"job interview" というフレーズも使えます。 I have a job interview today at two o'clock.(今日の2時から面接がある)
Sarah Hu DMM英会話講師
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