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2019/06/17 10:07
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  • deadline

1.) deadline (締切日) 「締切日」は英語でdeadlineと訳せます。Deadlineは「締切」という意味です。「日」とか「時間」の締切が関係がありません。すべてはdeadlineと呼びます。 例えば、 I want you to meet the deadline. (締切日を守って欲しい) 「締切を守る」という表現は英語でto meet the deadlineと普通に訳せます。ビジネス設定でよく使う表現です。
  • Will you be able to meet the deadline by Thursday?

  • Will you be able to achieve all that you need to do by the deadline?

"Will you be able to meet the deadline by Thursday?" In this context, you are asking someone specific if they will be able to meet the deadline by a specific date. You are also assuming the person you are talking to knows exactly what is expected of them. "Will you be able to achieve all that you need to do by the deadline?" In this context, you are highlighting the fact that you need reassurance that everything that needs to be done will be done by the deadline.
"Will you be able to meet the deadline by Thursday?"(木曜日の締切に間に合いますか) ここでは、木曜日の締切に間に合うかどうか尋ねています。これは、相手が締切を知っているという前提の質問です。 "Will you be able to achieve all that you need to do by the deadline?"(締切までに全て終わりそうですか) ここでは、締切までに仕事が終わるかの確認をしています。
Chinique DMM英会話講師
  • Your deadline is on (date).

  • This project is due on (date).

  • Don't forget to have this in by (date).

You can say this a number of ways. However, if you are speaking about school work, you might say deadline and if it is work-related then you would say, "It is due by (date)."
これはいろいろな言い方ができますが、学校の課題について言う場合には "deadline" が使われるかもしれません。仕事については "It is due by (日付)" が使われます。
Parker DMM英会話講師
  • The (document) must be submitted by (time/date) in order to meet the deadline.

  • Don't forget the deadline for this is the (date), at (time).

  • If the (document) is submitted any later than (time) on the (date), it will miss the deadline, and be excluded.

The first phrase makes the document the subject of the sentence, and confirms the date and time it must be submitted by. The second phrase focuses more on the actual deadline time, rather than the document, which is only referred to as "it". The third phrase acts as a warning, and clearly confirms that if the deadline is not met, the document will be excluded from the ongoing process.
一つ目の例では「文書」を主語として、締切の日時を伝えています。 二つ目の例では「文書」よりも「締切」に焦点を当てています。「文書」は単に "it" で表しています。 三つ目の例は「警告」です。「締切を逃せば、文書は受け付けない」と明確に伝えています。
Gozo P DMM英会話講師
  • Deadline

  • Not acceptable beyond this time

A deadline is a date and/or time by which you have to achieve or complete some given task. Deadlines are common in the world of business but can also apply to personal life. Here are some examples of the word "deadline" being used. 1. I hope you can finish implementing the new strategies by next Friday, that's the deadline. 2. The deadline for me to register for university is next week Wednesday at 4:00 pm.
"Deadline" は仕事を終わらせなければならない期限の日や時間をいいます。 "Deadline" は、ビジネスシーンで使われることが多いですが、私生活でも使われることがあります。 以下、"Deadline" を使った例文です。 1. I hope you can finish implementing the new strategies by next Friday, that's the deadline.(来週の金曜日までに新しい戦略の履行を完了していただきたいです、そこが締切です) 2. The deadline for me to register for university is next week Wednesday at 4:00 pm.(大学の登録締切は来週の水曜日午後4時です)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Please make sure you meet the deadline.

  • Be careful not to miss the deadline.

  • This is due on (date).

Please make sure you meet the deadline. Here, you are asking someone to complete a task or piece of work before or on a certain date. 'Meet' collocates with 'deadline'. Be careful not to miss the deadline. This phrase can be used if you want to remind someone that they need to complete the task before the specified date. 'Miss' also collocates with 'deadline'. This is due on (date). Here, you can tell someone exactly which date you want the task completed by.
Please make sure you meet the deadline.(必ず締め切りは守ってください) →締め切りまでに仕事を終わらせるようお願いしています。'deadline' は 'meet' とともに用いられることが多いです。 Be careful not to miss the deadline.(締め切りを逃さないように注意してね) →これは、締め切りまでに仕事を終わらせるよう念を押しています。'miss' も 'deadline' とともによく使われます。 This is due on (date).(締め切りは(日付)です) →このフレーズでは、具体的な日付を伝えることができます。
Rebbecca DMM英会話講師
  • The cutoff date for this submission is a month from now.

  • The deadline is next Friday.

1. The cutoff date for this submission is a month from now. This means that the cutoff date which is the latest date to submit (hand in) a paper/project/assignment is a month away. The phrase "a month from now'' means exactly a full calendar month from the time of speaking or writing. In other words, if the task was given on the 8th of July then the project has to be completed on or before the 8th of August. 2.The deadline is next Friday. A deadline is another word for a cutoff date or time. This means that this is the latest date/time by which something that has been requested will be accepted. In this sentence, before or on Friday is fine, however, anything thereafter is unacceptable.
1. The cutoff date for this submission is a month from now.(提出期限は今から一カ月後です) これは「(論文/プロジェクト/課題の)提出期限は今から一カ月後だ」という意味です。"a month from now" は、その時点から「一カ月後」を指します。例えば、課題が与えられたのが7月8日なら、8月8日までに終わらせなければならないということ。 2.The deadline is next Friday.(締め切りは来週の金曜日です) "deadline" は "cutoff date / time" の別の言い方です。「締め切りの日/時間」をいいます。 この文は「金曜日までなら問題ないがそれ以降は駄目」という意味です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
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