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2019/06/17 12:31
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  • It was in my spam folder.

英語では、「受信されていた」と言うよりは、「~にあった」was inと言います。 迷惑メールの事をspamと言い、迷惑フォルダはspam folder です。 例 返事遅れてすみません。迷惑フォルダに受信されていたのを気づきませんでした。 I’m sorry for the late reply. Your email was in the spam folder and I didn’t notice it.
  • Spam

  • Junk mail

Two common terms for this folder are "Spam" and "Junk mail" Example sentences: Spam "Your email ended up in my spam folder." "I apologize for not replying to your email, it was in my spam folder." Junk mail "Sometimes your emails land in my junk mail." "Wow! That is a lot of junk mail." "Did you look for the email in your junk mail?"
迷惑メールのことを "Spam" や "Junk mail"と言います。 例文: Spam "Your email ended up in my spam folder." (あなたのメールが迷惑メールフォルダーに入っていた。) "I apologize for not replying to your email, it was in my spam folder." (メールを返信していなくてすみません。迷惑メールフォルダーに入っていました。)   Junk mail "Sometimes your emails land in my junk mail." (あなたのメールが時々迷惑メールに入ります。) "Wow! That is a lot of junk mail." (わぁ!たくさんの迷惑メールだね。) "Did you look for the email in your junk mail?" (迷惑メールの中のメールを探した?)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • The email was sitting in my spam folder.

  • I found the email in my spam folder.

  • The email landed in my spam folder.

Use the sentences above to explain that the email was sitting in the spam folder. Landed: imagine the postman throwing a letter into a box (your email box) and it lands there waiting for you to read it. Sitting: we can say an email is 'sitting' in the email folder. "Hey, it took me a while to find your email, I thought to check my spam folder and there it was!" "Good day, I have received the email, it was in my spam folder."
メールがフォルダーに入ってしまっていたことを伝えるには、これらの例を使うことができます。   Landed: 郵便配達の人がポストに手紙を入れるのを想像してみてください。そこにland(落ちる、着地する)します。  Sitting: メールのフォルダーに入っていることを'sitting' と言います。   "Hey, it took me a while to find your email, I thought to check my spam folder and there it was!" (やぁ、あなたのメールを見つけるのに時間がかかったよ。迷惑メールにあるとおもって確認したらあったよ!)   "Good day, I have received the email, it was in my spam folder." (こんにちは、メールを受け取りました。迷惑メールフォルダーに入っていました。)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • It was in my junk mail.

  • It was in my spam folder.

  • It went to my junk folder.

This happens sometimes. We have to look for a specific email which someone has sent us., It is not in our inbox, where we expect it to be. When you do find it, you can say; It wasn't in my inbox, it was in my junk mail...or folder. or It wasn't in my inbox, it was in my spam folder. or It wasn't in my inbox, it went to my junk mail..... or junk folder. You can also use the word 'bypass'. Meaning to miss something out or neglect something e.g. I found the email. It had bypassed my inbox and went to my junk mail. :)
これは時々ありますね。「メールを探しても受信箱にない」。 見つかったときには、次のように言えます。 It wasn't in my inbox, it was in my junk mail...or folder.(受信箱でなく、迷惑メール[フォルダー]に入っていた) It wasn't in my inbox, it was in my spam folder.(受信箱でなく、迷惑フォルダーに入っていた) It wasn't in my inbox, it went to my junk mail..... or junk folder.(受信箱でなく、迷惑メール[フォルダー]に入っていた) 'bypass' という語を使うこともできます。これは「逃す/無視する」という意味です。 例: I found the email. It had bypassed my inbox and went to my junk mail. (メールが見つかりました。受信箱でなく、迷惑メールに入っていました)
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • The email went straight into my spam folder.

  • The email was in my spam folder

When you are writing someone back and want to explain that the email they sent you was in the spam folder, then you may write the following: -The email went straight into my spam folder. That's why I missed it. -The email was in my spam folder
誰かにメールを返信して、相手から送られてきたメールが迷惑メールに入っていたことを伝えるときのフレーズです。 -The email went straight into my spam folder. That's why I missed it. (そのメールは迷惑メールに入っていたんだ。だから見逃したんだ。) -The email was in my spam folder (メールが迷惑メールフォルダーに入っていた。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • "It was in my spam folder"

  • "Sorry the email went to my spam folder rather than my main mailbox"

If a certain email was in your spam folder and you wanted to inform the sender that the email was in your spam folder, you could say, "It was in my spam folder" or "Sorry the email went to my spam folder rather than my main mailbox". Both of these statement make the sender aware of the situation.
あるメールが迷惑メールフォルダーに入っていたことを、送り主に伝えるには、"It was in my spam folder"(迷惑メールフォルダーに入っていた。) や "Sorry the email went to my spam folder rather than my main mailbox"(すみません、メールが受信メールボックスではなくて迷惑メールフォルダーに入っていました。)と言うことができます。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I found the email in my spam folder.

  • The email went to my junk mail.

If you want to inform someone that an email was sent to your junk mail, you can ue any of the following sentences:- 1. I found the email in my spam folder. 3.The email went to my junk mail. Junk mail is another name for the spam folder.
「メールは迷惑メールに入っていた」は、次のように言えます。 1. I found the email in my spam folder.(メールは迷惑フォルダーに入っていました) 3. The email went to my junk mail.(メールは迷惑メールに入っていました) "Junk mail"(迷惑メール)は "Spam folder"(迷惑フォルダー)の別の言い方です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
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