Would it be possible to hand in my assignment tomorrow?
Could I please submit my assignment to you tomorrow?
1) Would it be possible to hand in my assignment tomorrow?
Would it be possible to ...? で「〜するのは可能でしょうか?」という聞き方です。
hand in で「提出する」
assignment で「課題」
2) Could I please submit my assignment to you tomorrow?
Could I please ...? で「〜しても良いでしょうか?」という聞き方です。
submit で「提出する」
I'm sorry I missed the deadline for ...
I forgot about the due date.
pass ... in
turn ... in
Would it be ok if I turn in my assignment tomorrow instead?
Can I possibly turn in my assignment tomorrow instead of today?
Will you accept my assignment tomorrow?
There are many unexpected incidents that can happen from time to time that may cause us to be late in submitting things by the deadline. If you have to ask your professor about submitting an assignment later than due, you can express that the following ways:-
1. Would it be ok if l turn in my assignment tomorrow instead?
2. Can l possibly turn in my assignment tomorrow instead of today?
3. Will you accept my assignment tomorrow
In addition if you really want to express regret for not submitting it in time you can add
"I'm sorry for not submitting the assignment in time."
1. Would it be ok if I turn in my assignment tomorrow instead?(明日課題を提出してもいいですか)
2. Can I possibly turn in my assignment tomorrow instead of today?(今日でなく明日課題を提出してもいいですか)
3. Will you accept my assignment tomorrow(明日課題を受け取ってもらえますか)
"I'm sorry for not submitting the assignment in time."(提出が遅れてしまって申し訳ありません)
"Would it be possible to hand in my assignment tomorrow?"
"Can I please submit my assignment tomorrow instead of today if possible?"
If you forgot to turn in an assignment for school that was due today, and wanted to ask your professor if it is ok if you turn it in tomorrow and if he will accept it, you could say either, "Would it be possible to hand in my assignment tomorrow?" or "Can I please submit my assignment tomorrow instead of today if possible?".
"Would it be possible to hand in my assignment tomorrow?"(課題の提出は明日でも大丈夫ですか)
"Can I please submit my assignment tomorrow instead of today if possible?"(課題の提出は今日でなく明日でも大丈夫ですか)
Do you mind if I hand in my assignment tomorrow instead?
If possible, could I submit my assignment tomorrow?
"Do you mind if I hand in my assignment tomorrow instead?"
This is a polite and indirect way of asking if you can hand in your assignment at a later date. If your professor thinks it is okay, they may say, "no, I don't mind". Here, 'no' has a positive meaning.
"If possible, could I submit my assignment tomorrow?"
The use of 'if possible' and 'could' is also a polite way of asking the same question.
"Do you mind if I hand in my assignment tomorrow instead?"(課題の提出は明日でも大丈夫でしょうか)
→これは丁寧で遠回しな言い方です。「課題の提出は明日でも大丈夫でしょうか」と尋ねています。大丈夫なら、"No, I don't mind"(ええ、大丈夫です)のように答えてくるでしょう。ここでは、'No' は肯定的な意味を持ちます。
"If possible, could I submit my assignment tomorrow?"(もし可能なら、明日課題を提出してもよろしいでしょうか)
→'if possible' や 'could' を使っても丁寧に尋ねることができます。
Will you please accept my late submission tomorrow? It slipped my mind completely.
May I please hand in my assignment first thing tomorrow morning? I'm sorry for the oversight.
1.Will you please accept my late submission tomorrow?
I'm sorry but it slipped my mind completely.
A submission is the noun used for something that
has to be handed or turned in.If something slipped
your mind then it means that you forgot about it
2. May I please hand in my assignment first thing
tomorrow morning? I'm sorry for the oversight.
To do something first thing in the morning means
doing it as early as possible. An oversight means an error/
1.Will you please accept my late submission tomorrow? I'm sorry but it slipped my mind completely.(明日提出してもいいですか。申し訳ありません、完全に忘れていました)
"submission" は「提出すべき物」を指す名詞です。"something slipped my mind" は「~を完全に忘れる」という意味です。
2. May I please hand in my assignment first thing tomorrow morning? I'm sorry for the oversight.(明日の朝一番に課題を提出させてください。ご迷惑おかけして申し訳ありません)
"first thing in the morning" は「できるだけ早く」という意味です。
"oversight" は「間違い/ミス/失敗」という意味です。
Due to my absentmindedness, I'd like to hand in my assignment tomorrow - if that's agreeable with you
Sorry I left my assignment at home. Is it OK if I hand it in tomorrow?
You forgot to hand in an assignment for school that was due today, and want to ask your professor if it's OK if you submit it tomorrow (and if the professor will accept it).
Any of the above examples is OK for this scenario. The first is more formal than the second.
Would it be possible for me to hand in my assignment tomorrow for full credit?
When assignments are late, while a professor may accept it, they may not give you full points for it. You should ask both if the professor will accept the assignment and if you will be able to receive all of the credit for it. I hope that this helps. :)
Would it be possible to hand in my assignment tomorrow?
Could I bring my assignment tomorrow?
Your example is a good one and I add another one just to see the differences. Both of them can be used. For example - I totaly forgot to take my assignment today. Could I bring it tomorrow?
I totaly forgot to take my assignment today. Could I bring it tomorrow?(課題を持って来るのを忘れてしまいました。提出は明日でもいいですか)
Would my assignment still be accepted if i turn it in tomorrow?
I forgot my assignment was due today, can I pass it up tomorrow please?
If you have forgotten your assignment and want to know if it is possible for you to pass it up the next day, you can say something like "Would my assignment still be accepted if i turn it in tomorrow?" or "I forgot my assignment was due today, can I pass it up tomorrow please?".
"Would my assignment still be accepted if I turn it in tomorrow?"(課題は明日の提出でも受け取ってもらえますか)
"I forgot my assignment was due today, can I pass it up tomorrow please?"(課題の締切が今日だということを忘れていました。明日受け取ってもらえますか)
I'm sorry I missed the assignment date, may I please hand it in tomorrow?
May I please turn in my assignment tomorrow? I apologize that I am late for submission.
Can I please be allowed to submit my assignment tomorrow? Sorry that it's late.
If you would like to ask your professor for an extension use the sentences above.
"Please may my submission date be extended to tomorrow? "
"May I please bring in my assignment tomorrow? It is not yet complete."
Sometimes we may run into unexpected issues that may cause us to delay completing our assignment.
Hopefully, your professor will be lenient and allow you to submit the next day.
Lenient: merciful and tolerant
"Please may my submission date be extended to tomorrow?"(提出期限を明日まで延長してもらえませんか)
"May I please bring in my assignment tomorrow? It is not yet complete."(明日課題を提出してもいいですか。まだ終わっていません)
Lenient: 情け深い、寛大な
Can I please submit my assignment tomorrow instead of today?
・「Can I please submit my assignment tomorrow instead of today?」
(例文)Can I please submit my assignment tomorrow instead of today?// No, you have to submit it today.