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There's nothing I hate more thanに繋げるならこのあとどのように言えば自然なのか分かりません。
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2019/07/05 22:27
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  • There's nothing as bad as getting stung by mosquitoes

  • There's nothing worse than getting stung by mosquitoes

  • There's nothing I hate more than getting stung by mosquitoes

ほど嫌なことはないという表現は様々ありますが 直訳だと there's nothing as bad as が近いと思います。 後者の there's nothing worse than はどちらかと言うと ほどひどい事はないと言う意味です。 蚊に刺されるですが getting stung by mosquitoes などの表現も 使えます。 因みに最近の研究に寄ると蚊にスクリレックスの曲 Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites (訳:怖いモンスターと良い妖精)を 聞かせるとあまり刺さないとのことなので試してみると良いかもしれません。 「蚊に刺されるのが嫌になってきた」 "I'm sick of getting stung by mosquitoes" など
  • There's nothing I hate more than being stung by mosquitoes.

こんにちは。質問ありがとうございます。 There's nothing I hate more than は「~ほど嫌いなものはない」という意味のフレーズです。 「蚊に刺される」というのは、文法的に言えば受動態(~される)なので、be動詞+過去分詞を使います。 蚊に刺される → be stung by mosquitoes. 最後に、Hate 「嫌い」やlike「好き」の後に来る動詞は、普通ing形なので、be をbeingに変えます。 またの質問をお待ちしてます。
  • My biggest pet hate is being bitten by a mosquito.

  • There is nothing I detest more than being bitten by a mosquito.

1. My biggest pet hate is being bitten by a mosquito. If something is your biggest pet hate then it means that it is an action/occurrence that you loathe/dislike intensely. 2. There is nothing I detest more than being bitten by a mosquito. To detest something means having a strong loathing/dislike or aversion to something.
1. My biggest pet hate is being bitten by a mosquito. (一番嫌いなのは、蚊に刺されることです。) biggest pet hate とは、あることがものすごく嫌いなことです。 2. There is nothing I detest more than being bitten by a mosquito. (蚊に刺されることよりも嫌いなことはない。) To detest somethingとは、あることがものすごく嫌いという意味です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • There is nothing i hate more than being bitten by mosquitos

Bees sting, mosquitos bite, so the correct verb is bite. There is nothing I hate more than being bitten by mosquitos. You can also use detest, or loathe, in place of hate.
Bees sting(蜂さされ) mosquitos bite(虫さされ) biteは、蚊にくわれるときのくわれるという意味の動詞です。 There is nothing I hate more than being bitten by mosquitos. (蚊に刺されるより嫌なことはない。) hate(嫌い)の代わりに、detestや loatheを使うこともできます。
Desmond DMM英会話講師
  • I really can't stand being stung by mosquitoes!

To not be able to stand something is used to express when you really don't like something. So the expression "I really can't stand being stung by mosquitoes" is a useful expression in this case.
To not be able to stand somethingとは、あることが嫌いであるということです。 ですので、"I really can't stand being stung by mosquitoes"は、蚊にさされるのが本当に耐えられない、という意味の役立つフレーズです。
Franji DMM英会話講師
  • There is nothing I hate more than being bit by mosquitoes

When you want to explain that there is nothing you hate more than being bitten by mosquitoes; then you may say this in the following: -There is nothing I hate more than being bit by mosquitoes Other ways to say the same thing: -I really hate being bitten by mosquitoes -Being bitten by mosquitoes is the worst
以下は、蚊にさされるよりも嫌なことがないことを表すフレーズです。 -There is nothing I hate more than being bit by mosquitoes (蚊に刺されるよりも嫌なことはない。)  -I really hate being bitten by mosquitoes (蚊に刺されるのが大嫌いだ。) -Being bitten by mosquitoes is the worst (蚊に刺されるのは最悪だ。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • "There's nothing I hate more than being stung by mosquitoes"

  • "I really hate the feeling of being stung by mosquitoes"

If you wanted to explain that there is noting you hate more than being stung by mosquitoes, you could say either of the following to express it: "There's nothing I hate more than being stung by mosquitoes" or "I really hate the feeling of being stung by mosquitoes". Both these statement summarise your point of view.
これらの例は、蚊に刺されるほど嫌いなことはないことを伝えるフレーズです。  "There's nothing I hate more than being stung by mosquitoes" (蚊に刺されるほど嫌いなことはない。)  "I really hate the feeling of being stung by mosquitoes" (蚊に刺される感覚が大嫌いだ。)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I absolutely detest being stung by mosquitoes.

  • There is nothing I hate more than being stung by mosquitoes.

You can say either of the following:- 1. I absolutely detest being stung by mosquitoes. If you absolutely detest something it means that you hate it as much as you can hate something. 2. There is n nothing I hate more than being stung by mosquitoes.
次のように言えます。 1. I absolutely detest being stung by mosquitoes.(蚊に刺されるのが大嫌い) "I absolutely detest something" は「~が大嫌い」という意味です。 2. There is nothing I hate more than being stung by mosquitoes.(蚊に刺されることほど嫌いなことはない)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • There's nothing I hate more than getting(being) stung by mosquitoes

Your example is absolutely correct and I think it is the best way you can say it. There is no huge difference between using "getting" and "being". You will get the same meaning, although, the actual translation of these words are different.
あなたの考えた例は完璧です、これがベストな言い方だと思います。"getting" と "being" はそれぞれ異なる意味を持つ単語ですが、この文の意味はどちらを使っても変わりません。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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