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2019/07/07 20:00
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  • Frozen dinner.

  • Microwave food.

  • Prepacked frozen food.

The words above are all ways to describe food that is prepared using a microwave. Most people enjoy these meals because they are quick and easy to prepare, no cooking is involved, all you do it place the meal in the microwave and wait a few short minutes. Some people are not okay with preparing food in the microwave as they feel the wave sit emits are dangerous. Microwave food is popular in many countries but it can be pricey because of the convenience it provides (a quick, easy meal). "I'm too tired to cook tonight and my kids are not home so I will prepare some microwave food."
これらの言葉は全て、電子レンジで温めるだけの食べ物のことを指します。 多くの人が、早くて手軽に Most people enjoy these meals because they are quick and easy to prepare, no cooking is involved, all you do it place the meal in the microwave and wait a few short minutes. Some people are not okay with preparing food in the microwave as they feel the wave sit emits are dangerous. Microwave food is popular in many countries but it can be pricey because of the convenience it provides (a quick, easy meal). "I'm too tired to cook tonight and my kids are not home so I will prepare some microwave food."
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Microwave meal

  • Frozen meal

  • TV dinner

The term "TV dinner" was originally used for marketing frozen meals in aluminum trays, intended to be heated up in a conventional oven and conveniently eaten while watching TV at home at the end of the day. It comes from America in the 1950's and is therefore a bit nostalgic to some people, but it is still in occasional use to refer to microwave meals.
"TV dinner" はもともとは、アルミトレーに載せた、オーブンで解凍するタイプの冷凍食品を指すブランド名でした。「一日の終わりに家でテレビ(TV)を見ながら食べられる」というコンセプトがありました。 1950年代にアメリカで誕生したもので、少し懐かしい感じもありますが、今でも「冷凍食品」の意味で時々使われます。
Robert Hein DMM英会話講師
  • Microwavable

  • Frozen dinner

Food that can be cooked in a microwave can be either called:- 1. Microwavable Example: Microwavable pop corn delicious. 2.Frozen dinner I bought some frozen dinners at the supermarket, l plan to microwave some of them for dinner tonight.
レンジで温められる食品は次のように表せます。 1. Microwavable(電子レンジで温められる) 例: Microwavable pop corn delicious.(レンジでチンするポップコーンはおいしい) 2.Frozen dinner(冷凍食品) 例: I bought some frozen dinners at the supermarket, I plan to microwave some of them for dinner tonight. (スーパーで冷凍食品を買いました。今夜温めて食べようかなと思って)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • "microwave meals"

  • "ready meals"

Food that can be cooked just by warming it up in the microwave quickly is most commonly called either "microwave meals" or "ready meals". These meals are commonly used in order to quick eat food and not spend time preparing. They are largely used when people are short of time.
レンジで温めるだけで食べられる食品は一般的に "microwave meals" または "ready meals" と呼ばれます。 これは忙しくて食事の支度をする暇がない人に人気です。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Ready meal.

  • Frozen dinner.

  • Microwavable food.

These expressions refer to food which is prepackaged and doesn't require any cooking apart from having to heat it up in a microwave. It is also very common in Britain, particularly with people who work long hours and don't have time to cook a full meal from scratch every evening. For example, you could say "I can't be bothered to cook tonight. I think I'm just gonna go and pick up a ready meal."
これらの表現は、そのまま電子レンジで温めるだけで食べられる食品を指します。 これはイギリスでもとても一般的です。特に夜遅くまでの仕事で食事の支度をする暇のない人に人気があります。 例えば: "I can't be bothered to cook tonight. I think I'm just gonna go and pick up a ready meal." (今夜は食事を作るのが面倒くさいから、冷凍の弁当でも買っていくよ)
Rebbecca DMM英会話講師
  • Microwave dinners are all the rage in Japan at the moment.

  • Microwave meals have become all the thing and are in demand at the moment.

1.Microwave dinners are all the rage in Japan at the moment. If something is all the rage then it means that it is highly fashionable and very popular.In this case, to purchase frozen dinners that are quickly heated in the microwave has become quite popular.This is very convenient especially for those people who often work late and have no time to prepare a fresh meal. 2.Microwave meals have become all the thing and are in demand at the moment. "All the thing" has a very similar meaning to "all the rage". It means that it is a common and favored practice nowadays - one that saves people time in the evenings when they are too exhausted to cook.
1. Microwave dinners are all the rage in Japan at the moment.(レンジで温めるだけの食品は、今日本で大人気です) "something is all the rage" は「~はとても人気がある」という意味です。ここでは、「レンジで温めるだけの食品」が人気だと伝えています。夜遅くまで仕事をする人は、なかなか食事を作る暇もないでしょうから、これがあるととても便利でしょうね。 2. Microwave meals have become all the thing and are in demand at the moment.(レンジで温めるだけの食品は、今とても人気があります) "all the thing" は "all the rage" と意味がよく似ています。"all the thing" は「流行している」という意味です。ここでは、時間や労力を節約できる「レンジで温めるだけの食品」が流行していると伝えています。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Busy Japanese people rely on microwave meals a lot

  • Microwaveable food is a staple for busy Japanese people

You would like to know what you call a food product that can be cooked just by warming it up in the microwave? You want to say that there's a large demand for this type of food product among busy Japanese people. Either of the above examples is adequate for that scenario.
電子レンジで温めるだけの食品の言い方を知りたいということですね。「電子レンジで温めるだけの食品は、忙しい日本人に高い需要がある」と言いたいと。 上の例はどちらもこの状況で使うことができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Microwave meals

  • Frozen dinners

"Microwave meals," and, "Frozen dinners," are two ways to describe meals that are pre-prepared and can be bought for a quick and convenient dinner. Normally these packaged meals come frozen as well, hence the name, "Frozen dinner." Example sentence : - I always eat frozen dinners during the week because I'm always busy and get home from work very late.
"Microwave meal" と "Frozen dinner" はどちらも、購入してすぐに食べることができる食品を指します。こうした食品はたいてい「冷凍」ということで、"Frozen dinner"("Frozen" は「冷凍」という意味です)。 例文 : - I always eat frozen dinners during the week because I'm always busy and get home from work very late. (仕事のある日は帰りが遅いのでいつも冷凍食品を食べています)
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Microwave meal

  • Ready meals

I usually say ready meals but microwave meals can be used too. The sentence you want to say: "There's a large demand for the ready meals product among Japanese businessmen".
私はたいてい "ready meals" と言いますが、"microwave meals" も使えます。 あなたの言いたいことは次のように表せます。 "There's a large demand for the ready meals product among Japanese businessmen".(冷凍食品は日本のビジネスマンに人気があります)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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