A「今日、日本代表のサッカーの試合があるみたいだね。夜9時から。」 B「ええっ、マジ? 絶対に見る。」=A:There is going to be a game of Japanese soccer team from at 9PM today. B:Oh I didn't know that. I've got to go home on the time. で可?
There's going to be a soccer match between Japan and 〜
ご投稿いただいた例文でも十分伝わりますが、この場合は"Japan's national soccer team is playing tonight at 9pm"がより自然だと思います。相手もサッカー観戦者の場合、シンプルに”Japan is playing tonight at 9pm"でもOKです。
A: Japan is playing against Spain tonight at 9pm.
B: Oh really? I've got to get home in time for the game!
A: There's going to be a soccer match between Japan and Spain tonight at 9pm.
B: I should get home before the game starts!
ちなみに、何かに間に合うように急いで家に帰る時は、"I have to get home in time for..."と言います。(例:"I want to get home in time for dinner.")
アメリカではサッカーの試合の事を"soccer game"や"soccer match"と言いますが、イギリスやヨーロッパではサッカーを"football” ("football game," "football match")と言いますので気をつけてくださいね!