世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/07/11 07:55
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  • We are about to watch Aladdin.

  • We are on the way to watch Aladdin.

  • We are moments away from watching Aladdin.

Watching movies is always fun, especially if it is a new release and it is a popular movie that everyone is talking about! Aladdin is a very popular movie, it is a story that is known in many parts of the world. If you are about to watch the movie you can use the first and last sentence, for example, you are seated in the cinema waiting for the movie to begin. Use the second sentence if you are still on your way to the cinema, for example, if you are in the car on your way there or if you are in the mall, walking to the cinema house. "We are about to watch my favorite movie, Aladdin!!" Enjoy the movie :)
特に新しく出た映画やみんなが話している人気のある映画を見るのはたのしいものです。 Aladdin(アラジン)はとても人気の映画で、世界の色々なところで知られている話です。 今から映画を見ることを伝えるなら、最初を最後の文を使うことができます。例えば、映画館で座っていて映画が始まるのを待っているときなどです。   2つ目の例は、映画に行く途中なら、例えば、行く途中の車の中や、映画館に向かって歩いているモールの中などで使うことができます。   "We are about to watch my favorite movie, Aladdin!!" (今から大好きな映画アラジンを見るんです!) 映画を楽しんでくださいね!
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Let's switch over to watching "Aladdin" now.

  • Right, it's time to watch "Aladdin" now!

1.Let's switch over to watching "Aladdin" now. When you use the phrase, ''switch over'' it means that you are going to switch/change channels in order to watch something else. 2.Right, it's time to watch "Aladdin" now! The word right in this sentence can also be substituted with the word ''ok''.When you use this phrase, then it usually means that you have been watching something else and that you want to change the channel to watch a different programme.Many parents have to employ/use this tactic when they have children who want to watch different children's programmes.You allocate about 15 minutes to one programme and to be fair, you then have to switch over to satisfy the second child who had a different request, i.e. they watched Barney for a while so the other child should now get the opportunity to watch Aladdin for the same length of time.
1. Let's switch over to watching "Aladdin" now.(さあ、アラジンを見よう) ''switch over'' は「チャンネルを変えて他の番組を見る」という意味です。 2. Right, it's time to watch "Aladdin" now!(さあ、今からアラジンを見よう) この ''right'' は ''ok'' と置き換えることもできます。このフレーズは普通、チャンネルを変えて他の番組を見ようとするときに使います。子どもが二人、別の番組を見たがっているとき、このやり方は有効です。例えば、30分の番組を公平に15分ずつ割り当てます。一人の子にバーニーを見せて、しばらくしたらもう一人の子に同じ時間アラジンを見せるという感じです。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Aladdin is about to begin.

  • We are waiting for Aladdin to start.

  • At this present moment, we are about to watch Aladdin.

We use "now" to describe the present moment. "Right now we are watching Aladdin" About to begin (phrase) is used to describe an action that is going to take place within a short period of time.
「今」を表すときには "now" が使われます。 "Right now we are watching Aladdin"(今アラジンを見ています) "About to begin" は「間もなく起こること」を表します。
Bev U DMM英会話講師
  • We are just about to watch Aladdin!

  • We're on our way to watch Aladdin.

  • We're going to watch Aladdin soon!

1. "We are just about..." is a common an informal way to to say that you are going to do something soon. 2. "We're on our way to..." in this context means that you are in the process of travellingto the cinema to watch Aladdin and will be there soon. 3. This means that you and the people you with will watch Aladdin in a short period fo time.
1. "We are just about..." は「もうすぐ~する」という意味です、よく使われるカジュアルな表現です。 2. "We're on our way to watch Aladdin" は「今映画館に向かっていてこれからアラジンを見ます」という意味です。 3. これは、話し手と話し手と一緒にいる人がこれからアラジンを見るという意味です。
Ross H DMM英会話講師
  • We're off to see Aladdin!

  • We're about to watch Aladdin!

Going to the movie theatre is a lot of fun, some people like to go to the movies to spend theirfree time. If you're on your way to the movie theatre to see the movie Aladdin, you can use any of the following sentences:- 1. We're off to see Aladdin! You can use this sentence if you are leaving home and going to the movie theatre to see the movie Aladdin. 2. We're about to watch Aladdin! This sentence canbe used if you are waiting for the movie to start.
映画を見に行くのは楽しいですね、映画館に行くのが趣味という人もいます。 これから「アラジン」を見に映画館に行くなら、次の文が使えます。 1. We're off to see Aladdin!(アラジンを見に行くよ) この文は、これから家を出てアラジンを見に映画館に行くというときに使います。 2. We're about to watch Aladdin!(もうすぐアラジンが始まるよ) この文は、映画が始まるのを待っているときに使います。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • "We're going to watch Aladdin"

  • "Currently, we are on our way to go watch Aladdin"

  • "We are waiting to watch Aladdin now"

If you wanted to explain that you and others are on your way to go watch Aladdin, you could say any of the following: "We're going to watch Aladdin", "Currently, we are on our way to go watch Aladdin" or "We are waiting to watch Aladdin now".
「私たちはこれからアラジンを見に行きます」は次のように言えます。 "We're going to watch Aladdin"(私たちはこアラジンを見ます) "Currently, we are on our way to go watch Aladdin"(今アラジンを見に映画館に向かっています) "We are waiting to watch Aladdin now"(今アラジンが始まるのを待っています)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • We are about to watch Aladdin

  • We are going to see Aladdin shortly

  • Presently we're going to see Aladdin

You wish to explain that you are going to watch Aladdin soon. Any of the above examples is adequate for that scenario. 'Going to' is to indicate a planned event happening in the future.
「私たちはこれからアラジンを見ます」と言いたいということですね。上の例はどれもこの状況で使うことができます。 'Going to' は将来の予定を表します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • We're going to watch Aladdin

  • Aladdin is about to begin

Both of the given examples can be easily used. Both of them have the same meaning. For example - Johnny! Come faster we're about to begin Aladdin! You will miss the beginning.
上の文どちらも使うことができます。これらは同じ意味です。 例: Johnny! Come faster we're about to begin Aladdin! You will miss the beginning.(ジョニー、早くこっちに来て。アラジン始まるよ。最初見逃しちゃうよ)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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