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If She goes to the bed early, it's 9 PM, and if She goes to the bed late, it's 12 PM.

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2019/07/15 02:21
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  • She usually goes to bed between 9PM and midnight.

  • Her bedtime ranges from 9PM to midnight.

  • The earliest she goes to bed is about 9PM, and can be as late as midnight.

It's much more common to say "midnight" for 12AM (12 at night) and "noon" for 12PM (12 mid-day), at least in the US.
Note: "PM" is used for the hours of 12 mid-day until 11:59 at night, while "AM" applies to 12 at night until 11:59 in the morning.

少なくてもアメリカでは、「午前0時」は "12AM" よりも "midnight"、「午後12時」は "12PM" よりも "noon" の方が、はるかに一般的です。

注意:"PM" が使われるのは昼の12時から夜の11時59分までです。深夜0時から午前11時59分までは "AM" が使われます。

Robert Hein DMM英会話講師
  • She can go to bed as early as 9 PM or as late as 12 PM.


As early as、as late asという表現を使いました。
As early asは、「早くて」、「早いときは」、「こんなに早い」というような意味です。lateは、逆に「遅い」場合です。

ユーザーさんの英訳、「If she goes to the bed early, it's 9 PM, and if she goes to the bed late, it's 12 PM. 」でも問題無しです。


  • She goes to bed as early as 9pm and as late as midnight.

  • The earliest she goes to sleep is 9pm and the latest is midnight.

"She goes to bed as early as 9pm and as late as midnight."
Going to bed refers to getting into bed, but not necessarily going to sleep. 'Midnight' is another way of saying 12 o'clock at night.

"The earliest she goes to sleep is 9pm and the latest is midnight."
Here, you are saying that she starts sleeping between these hours.

"She goes to bed as early as 9pm and as late as midnight."(彼女は早いと9時に、遅くても12時には寝ます)

'Going to bed' は「ベッドに入る」という意味で、必ずしも「眠りにつく」ことを表すわけではありません。'Midnight' は「深夜0時」を指します。

"The earliest she goes to sleep is 9pm and the latest is midnight."(彼女は早いときは9時に、遅くても12時には寝ます)


Rebbecca DMM英会話講師
  • She goes to sleep between 9PM and midnight.

  • My daughter sleeps around 9PM to 12AM every night.

If you would like to express that your daughter sleeps between the hours of 9PM and 12 midnight, you can say something like "She goes to sleep between 9PM and midnight." or "My daughter sleeps around the hours of 9PM to midnight.".


"She goes to sleep between 9PM and midnight."(彼女は午後9時から12時までの間に寝ます)
"My daughter sleeps around the hours of 9PM to midnight."(娘はだいたい午後9時から12時までに寝ます)

Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • She goes to bed somewhere between 9pm to 12pm.

  • Her bedtime ranges from 9pm to 12pm.

Both of these phrases have the same meaning and if either were said to a native speaker they would fully understand what you mean.

  • She goes to bed somewhere between 9pm to 12pm.
    In this context, we use the word, "between," here to talk about an instance between two moments.
  • Her bedtime ranges from 9pm to 12pm.
    In this context, we use the verb, "to range," to have the same meaning as, "between." In this example we can use the word, "bedtime," to describe the time that she goes to sleep by.


  • She goes to bed somewhere between 9pm to 12pm.(彼女は7時から12時の間に寝ます)
    この文では、二つの時間の「間」を "between" で表しています。

  • Her bedtime ranges from 9pm to 12pm.(彼女は7時から12時の間に寝ます)
    この文では、"to range" を使って "between"(~の間)の意味を表しています。
    "bedtime" は「就寝時間」という意味です。

Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • She has an erratic sleeping pattern - falling asleep any time from 9pm to 12pm.

  • She nods off any time between 9pm and 12pm.

  • She has no fixed sleeping time - it ranges between 9pm and 12pm.

  1. She has an erratic sleeping pattern - falling asleep
    any time from 9pm to 12pm.
    To have an erratic sleeping pattern means that it is
    unpredictable or inconsistent. You never know when
    she is going to fall asleep on a given night.

    1. She nods off any time between 9pm and 12pm.
      To nod off is an informal/casual way of saying "fall

    2. She has no fixed sleeping time - it ranges between 9pm
      and 12pm.
      A fixed time is a set or regular time. "Ranges between" means
      that it falls anywhere between those two times.

  1. She has an erratic sleeping pattern - falling asleep any time from 9pm to 12pm.(彼女の寝る時間は不規則です、夜9時から12時の間に寝ています)

"To have an erratic sleeping pattern" は「寝る時間が不規則」という意味です。「いつ眠りにつくか分からない」ということ。

  1. She nods off any time between 9pm and 12pm.(彼女は夜9時から12時の間に寝ています)

"To nod off" は「眠りにつく」のカジュアルな言い方です。

  1. She has no fixed sleeping time - it ranges between 9pm and 12pm.(彼女の寝る時間は決まっていません、9時から12時の間です)

"A fixed time" は「決まった時間/一定の時間」という意味です。"Ranges between" はこの場合「9時から12時の間のどこか」という意味です。

Shams DMM英会話講師
  • She can go to sleep anytime between 9 and 12pm

  • She falls asleep sometime between 9 and 12pm

You want to explain that your child goes to sleep at different times. You want to say that she will go to sleep as early as 9PM and as late as 12PM.
Ex. She can go to sleep as early as 9PM and as late as 12PM.
Either of the above suggestions is adequate for this situation.

She can go to sleep as early as 9PM and as late as 12PM.(9時に寝ることもあれば12時まで起きていることもある)


Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Her bed time varies from 9pm to midnight.

  • Sometimes she is in bed by 9pm, and at other times it's as late as midnight.

  • She doesn't have a set bed up. Sometimes she is asleep by 9pm, and sometimes she is still awake at midnight.

The first phrase is a direct, precise answer, explaining hbow her bed time varies (changes)
The second phrase is more conversational.
The second phrase shows a little more concern in the child's betimes, as the parent uses "as late as midnight" to express that they think this is too late.
The third phrase describes the range of bedtimes, but the parent does not sound concerned, as she says the child "has no set bed time", and seems ok with that.


二つ目のフレーズはより口語的です。これは話し手の「懸念」を伝えます。"as late as midnight" は、話し手がこの時間を「遅すぎる」と考えていることを表します。


Gozo P DMM英会話講師
  • My daughter can go to sleep as early as 9PM and as late as 12PM

  • Usually she goes to sleep at 9pm and the latest is midnight.

These are the two ways you can express the time your daughter goes to sleep. I would recommend the second one because the word "usually" means not always but most of the time


個人的には二つ目の例がおすすめです、"usually" には「たいてい/ほとんどの場合」という意味があります。

Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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