世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/22 23:40
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  • This is an urgent request.

Urgent という単語が「早急」なので急いでいることがよく伝わると思います。 This is an urgent request [取り急ぎ](のお願いです。 またはメールの件名などに入れるときは URGENT! 大きなインパクトがある一単語です。
DMM Eikaiwa I DMM英会話
  • Please handle this immediately. This project is very urgent!

  • I need you to handle this ASAP.

  • Could you please possibly make this your top priority? This is very time-sensitive.

"Please handle this immediately. This project is very urgent!" is a very direct, but polite way to tell someone that something needs to be done quickly in a business situation. You may ask this question of a co-worker or someone in a lower position than you. You would not say this to your boss. example: You: "Please handle this immediately. This project is very urgent!" Co-worker: "Alright, I'll start work on it right now." "I need you to handle this ASAP." is also a very direct way of telling someone that they need to do something. Again, you would use this phrase with a co-worker or someone in a lower position than yourself. "ASAP" stands for "As Soon As Possible." example: "I need you to handle this ASAP." Intern: "Yes sir, right away! I'll have it done by the end of the day." "Could you please possibly make this your top priority? This is very time-sensitive." is a more polite way to request that something be done quickly. You could ask your boss or supervisor this. example: You: "Could you please possibly make this your top priority? This is very time-sensitive." Boss/Manager: "I'll think about it, but most likely yes. I'll look into it."
"Please handle this immediately. This project is very urgent!" これはストレートですが、ビジネスで早くやってほしいことを伝える表現です。 この質問は自分と同等か、自分より下のポジションの人に言う言い方です。 自分のボスにはいいません。 例: You: "Please handle this immediately. This project is very urgent!" すぐにとりかかってほしい、この計画は非常に[緊急](なんだ。 Co-worker: "Alright, I'll start work on it right now." わかりました。[すぐに取り掛かります。]( "I need you to handle this ASAP." も、直接的に何かを相手にお願いする表現です。これも上と同様に同僚または自分よりしたのポジションの人に使います。 "ASAP"は"As Soon As Possible."の略です。 例 "I need you to handle this ASAP." すぐに取り掛かってほしいんだ。 Intern: "Yes sir, right away! I'll have it done by the end of the day." 承知しました。すぐにでも!今日中におわらせます。 "Could you please possibly make this your top priority? This is very time-sensitive." これは何かを早急にして欲しいとお願いするもっと丁寧な言い方になります。 自分の上司にも言える言い方です。 例: You: "Could you please possibly make this your top priority? This is very time-sensitive. これを[最優先](事項にしてもらえますか?一刻を争うものです。 Boss/Manager: "I'll think about it, but most likely yes. I'll look into it. 考えておきますけど、おそらくそうします。調べてみます。
Miranda Faye DMM英会話講師
  • Please make this your top priority.

  • I need this done ASAP.

  • Please can this be done urgently.

"Please make this your top priority." Politely asks them to it before doing or continuing with anything else. I need this done ASAP - "ASAP" means as soon as possible. Please can this be done urgently - politely ask that it is done very quickly because it is important.
"Please make this your top priority. 他のことをする前に、頼んだことを優先してほしいということを 丁寧にお願いする表現です。 I need this done ASAP ASAPはできるだけ早くということです。 Please can this be done urgently 重要なので、お願いしたことをできるだけ早くしてほしいと 丁寧に頼むときに使う表現です。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Could you handle this ASAP?

  • Do you think you can handle this ASAP?

ASAP は as soon as possibleの略語です。 「なるべく早く」⇒「なるはや」みたいなものでしょうか。 Could you handle this ASAP? なるはやでやっていただけませんか? Do you think you can handle this ASAP? なるはやでやっていただくことはできそうですか? ちなみに、上記の英文はとりあえず「handle(対処する)」 という動詞にしましたが、仕事の内容によっていろいろと 変えてください。 例えば「この資料のコピーを100枚取る」なら Could you make 100 copies of this document ASAP? などのようにです。
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • This is an urgent task.

  • Please deal with it immediately.

  • Update me with the status.

上から 緊急の用事です。 すぐに取り掛かってください。 状況を報告してください Immediatelyは直ちにという意味です。 Updateは更新する 私に情報を更新してくださいから転じて知らせてくださいという意味になります。
  • Please give this report your top-priority as my meeting is scheduled to start in 30 minutes.

  • I know that this is rather last-minute but I need that document asap - it is crucial to our discussions at 10h00.

  • Please drop everything that you are busy with as I urgently need this spreadsheet completed before the start of my next meeting at 10h00.

"Top-priority" means that nothing else is important right now - concentrate only on getting that report done for the meeting. "Asap" means as soon as possible and crucial implies that it contains vital information relevant to the meeting. Drop everything means that you should focus on nothing else except the spreadsheet.
Top priorityとは、これ以上今優先されるべきものはないという意味です。 例えばミーティングのためのレポートを終わらせる作業などです。 ASAPとはAs soon as possible/crucialを意味し、ミーティングに関して重大な情報が含まれているという示唆もあります。Drop everythingとは、それだけ、この場合はエクセルシートだけに集中してくれ、と言いたいときに使います。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I urgently request that you send payment immediately.

  • It is of the utmost importance that the building work is completed by 21st October.

  • It is critical that everything is completed before the President arrives.

These phrases each convey the importance of time and the urgency with which the task must be completed.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This is really urgent may you please complete it as soon as possible.

This means that you want this done as soon as possible. In a business situation it will be great if you are direct with your requests so that they understand what you want.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Make this your number one priority.

Priority means a list of things that are done from most to least important.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • Can you do this? It is urgent.

  • Please do this ASAP.

  • Please handle this immediately.

Urgent - means quickly ASAP - as soon as possible
"urgent" は「速く(quickly)」という意味です。 "ASAP" は "as soon as possible" が省略されたものです。
Dao DMM英会話講師
  • As a matter of urgency...

  • We must get a legal letter out tonight, as a matter of urgency...without fail!

In business there are many time sensitive situations, where delay could spell utter disaster for a firm. In this case we must to treat it..." As matter of urgency! "We must get a legal letter out tonight, as a matter of urgency...without fail!"
ビジネスでは時間が重要になるシチュエーションが多いですね、遅れてしまうと会社が大変な損害を受けることもあります。この場合、これを「matter of urgency(緊急を要すること)」として扱わなければなりません。 "We must get a legal letter out tonight, as a matter of urgency...without fail!" 〔訳〕今夜、緊急の要件として、必ずリーガルレターを出さなければならない。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • This is an urgent request.

  • I need to expedite the request.

We can tell our co-worker or colleague that our request is, "urgent," meaning that it needs attention or to be completely quickly if not immediately. We can also use the verb, "to expedite," which means to prioritize the request to that it is completed quickly.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • This is an urgent request.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・This is an urgent request. これは急ぎの依頼です。 urgent は「急ぎの」といった意味になります。 request で「依頼」と英語で表現できます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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