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2019/08/01 15:40
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  • Have you ever experienced this heat?

  • Have you been someplace this hot before?

1) Have you ever experienced this heat? この暑さを経験したことありますか? to experience は 「経験する」とか「体験する」という意味です。 heat は「暑さ」「熱」です。 have you ever は「〜したことありますか?」となります。 2) Have you been someplace this hot before? こんな暑い場所に行ったことありますか? こちらは言い方を少し変えていますが、意味は似ています。 have you been=〜に行ったことある? someplace=ある場所 this hot = これだけ暑い どうぞご参考に!
Ayumi L DMM英会話プロ翻訳家
  • Have you ever experienced this type of weather in America?

  • In America, does it ever get this hot?

  • Its so hot here in Japan, do you ever get this temperature in America?

Using the word experienced makes the person your talking to know that your asking them if they have ever been in that type of heat in the past. Then if you ask in America, then they know they are asking if they have ever had them temperatures in America. Using any of the three questions above, the American person will understand the question your asking.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • Does it get this hot in America?

  • Have you ever felt heat like this in America?

These questions ask the person to compare the heat in Japan to the heat in America. The first question is more about the average heat in America. The second question suggests that you don’t think it is as hot in America.
Becky D DMM英会話講師
  • Have you ever experienced this heat?

  • Have you ever experience heat like this?

  • In America, does it ever get this hot?

All three of these sentences can be used interchangeably to have the same meaning. As you may notice, the first two sentences have almost the same structure other than the ending which uses, "this heat," as the object or, "heat like this," which in a way is describing, "a heat similar to this." The last example is directly comparing the heat that you are experiencing now to the heat that can be experienced in America.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Have you ever heat such heat like this in America?

  • Have you ever experienced such heat before?

  • Is it normal for America to be this hot in the summer?

Have you ever heat such heat like this in America? Have you ever experienced such heat before? Is it normal for America to be this hot in the summer? If you want to ask someone if they have ever experienced similar weather in their own country before, you can ask one of these three questions. Of course, depending on the type of weather, you will want to adapt the question, also changing the country when needed. I hope it helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Have you ever experienced this intense heat in the USA?

  • Does it ever get uncomfortably hot in America, like here?

Japan is known for its sultry summer heat and its rainy season also. I have been advised not to come during the summer months because of the extreme heat and humidity. There are many places in the world, in particular, the tropics, where it gets very sultry like in Japan and it lasts a long time. "Have you ever experienced this intense heat in the USA?": To experience something means to have lived our observed something, so in this case, intense heat. "Intense" is another way of saying extreme or exceptional. "Does it ever get uncomfortably hot in America, like here?": Uncomfortably hot in this case means that it gives you a lot of discomfort. As we know, the heat can make us very tired and irritable and we must drink lots of water and use air conditioning to keep our body temperature down.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Have you ever suffered through such heat back home?

  • Has it ever been this hot in the US?

1. Have you ever suffered through such heat back home? "Suffered" is used here to mean "exerienced". The verb "suffered" always refers to a negative event/incident/ occurrence. "Back home" means the person's hometown, city or country. 2. Has it ever been this hot in the US? In asking "has it ever...?", you want to know whether the person has experienced such extreme conditions or seen something similar before. More examples: Has it ever been this cold in the US? Has your kitchen ever been this messy?
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Have you every felt such heat in America?

  • Is America like this?

To an American friend in Japan, when then the summer is very hot, you want to ask them if they've ever experienced such heat in America. In this scenario, you can try one of the above example sentences.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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