There was a disgusting guy who kept picking his nose and leaving his phlegm on his clothes
まずは、キモいオヤジは「Disgusting guy」と英語で言えます。
また、「Disgusting guy」はオヤジだけでなくても、普通の男性を対象に使うことも可能です。
僕が提案した英語は「There was a disgusting guy who kept picking his nose and leaving his phlegm on his clothes」です。
鼻をほじる行為は「Picking the nose」と言います。
「Leaving his phlegm on his clothes」と書きましたが、こちらは「ポロポロ落とす」と言う意味ではなく、服に付けていたと言う意味です。こちらの方が自然な英語だと思います。
もしポロポロ落とすと言うなら、「There was a disgusting guy who kept picking his nose and dropping dry phlegm flakes on his clothes」と言えますが、もっと難しくなります。
「Dry phlegm flakes」は「乾燥した鼻くその破片」と言う意味です。
I saw an old man picking his nose right in front of me and the boogers were all over him.
I saw an old guy sitting near me who was digging for gold and flicking the dried snot all over himself.
1) I saw an old man picking his nose right in front of me and the boogers were all over him.
「鼻くそをほじる」pick one's nose
2) I saw an old guy sitting near me who was digging for gold and flicking the dried snot all over himself.
「鼻くそをほじる」はスラング / ジョークで dig for gold とも言います。
「鼻くそ」dried snot (snotだけだと鼻水のように湿ったものを指すことが多いです)
flick は「指先などではじく」という意味なので、flick a booger だと「鼻くそを指で飛ばす」となります。