❶I bit my tongue badly and it bled a lot.
* bit 噛んだ
*tongue 舌
*bled 出血した
❷I bit my tongue badly and it bled like crazy.
*つまり、めっちゃ出血した というニュアンスです。
I bit my tongue badly in the middle of breakfast this morning and it bled like crazy.
I thought I had to go to the emergency.
I bit my tongue really hard when I was eating breakfast this morning, and it bled profusely.
ーI bit my tongue really hard when I was eating breakfast this morning, and it bled profusely.
to bleed profusely で「おびただしく出血する・大出血する」という言い方を覚えておくと良いでしょう。
"I bit my tongue really hard and it was bleeding like crazy!"
- **"I bit my tongue really hard and it was bleeding like crazy!"**
- **"This morning, I accidentally bit my tongue really badly, and it started bleeding a lot!"**