「連絡して」という意味で、"let me know"も"contact me"も使えます。"let me know"は「知らせて」という意味ですが、「連絡して」という意味でよく使います。
Please let me know when you are feeling better
Contact me when you're better
let me know = 知らせて
contact me = 連絡して
(Please) e-mail me/call me when you're feeling better.
"Please contact me"「私に連絡して」よりも"Please let me know"「私に知らせてください」のほうが確実に多く見聞きしますし、親身な印象があります。
また、連絡方法を指定してPlease email me「メールください」とかcall me「電話ちょうだい」と言うのもいいと思います。
Please let me know when you have recovered. 「体調が回復したら知らせてください」
(Please) e-mail me/call me when you're feeling better. 「具合がよくなったらメールください/電話ください」
If someone is feeling unwell then they might not be up to discussing important things so it might be best to wait until they are recovered or feeling better
Both of the sentences would be a nice polite way to let them know this
"Let me know when you're feeling better/when you're all better" is the most common way to ask someone to keep you updated on your health. It is appropriate for formal and casual situations!
If you want to be extremely casual and use slang, you can substitute "let me know" with "hit me up". This means to call/msg/email/etc.
"Let me know when you're feeling better/when you're all better"(元気になったら連絡ください)は、体調の回復具合を知らせて欲しいとお願いする最も一般的な言い方です。これはフォーマルな場面でもカジュアルな場面でも使うことができます。
すごくカジュアルにスラングを使いたいなら、"let me know" を "hit me up" に置き換えることができます。"hit me up" は「〔電話/メッセージ/Eメールなどで〕連絡する」という意味です。
Please let me know when you're back to full strength.
All three of these answers use the same idea and sentence structure. All three communicate the you would like to be informed when someone is feeling better. In the last two, I use some common English expressions to make the sentence more casual and natural.
When someone is feeling "up and around"they are active and healthy. To be "back to full strength" is to be at 100% of your ability.
"up and around" は「元気で健康」という意味です。
"back to full strength" は「100%の体調に戻る」という意味です。
A casual way of saying this would be - "Hey, please let me when you're feeling better."
A more formal way would be - Good day, would you be so kind as to inform me when your are feeling better"
"Hey, please let me know when you're feeling better."(ねえ、元気になったら教えてください)
"Good day, would you be so kind as to inform me when your are feeling better"(さようなら。元気になったら教えてもらえますか)
Contact me by phone or e-mail when you're feeling better.
"Let me know as soon you feel better." is a casual way of asking a friend or a family member or even a colleague at work whether they're getting over their sickness or not. It shows interest in the person's welfare and is a kind way of showing that you care. It is also a very commonly used phrase in the United States.
"Contact me by phone or e-mail when you're feeling better." is a more formal way of saying it and would usually be written at the end of an e-mail. It also shows thought and appreciation. However, even the first sentence can be used formally. It is acceptable in formal settings and is often used.
Hope this helps!
"Let me know as soon you feel better."(元気になったら知らせてください)
"Contact me by phone or e-mail when you're feeling better."(元気になったら電話かEメールで連絡ください)
"Message me when you're feeling better" formal way of asking someone to message or reach out to you once they're feeling better.
"Shout when you're better" a very casual way of asking, 'shout' is often used to say 'message me', 'let me know' or 'hit me up', used frequently with the younger generation and used very widely and frequently.
"Message me when you're feeling better"(元気になったらメッセージください)
"Shout when you're better"(元気になったら連絡ください)
= 非常にカジュアルな言い方です。'shout' は 'message me'(メッセージを送る)'let me know'(知らせる)あるいは 'hit me up'(連絡する)の意味で、特に若者の間でよく使われます。