世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/23 17:21
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  • Would it be possible to have two interviews next week on Tuesday?

  • Would you happen to have time next week on Tuesday to interview two people?

上司に依頼するので、普通より丁寧な英語を使います。 「Would」の意味 お願いする時、「would」を入れるだけで文章が自然になります。たとえば、 Can You go to the store?(普通) Would you go to the store? (丁寧) I want to eat cake. (普通) I would want to eat cake (丁寧) なので「would」を使うのがおすすめです。 ========== フレーズそれぞれ 前者は可能性を尋ねるお願いです。 Would it be possible to have two interviews next week on Tuesday? 来週の火曜日、面接二人は可能ですか? とても丁寧に可能性を尋ねる時、「would it be possible」を使います。 Can I have a coffee? (普通) May I have a coffee? (丁寧) Would it be possible to have a coffee? (とても丁寧) 後者は時間を尋ねるおねいがです。 Would you happen to have time next week on Tuesday to interview two people? Would you happen to というのは「あなたはもしかしたら、偶然で〜」という意味です。相手に何かを変えるプレシャーを付けないように良くあるフレーズです。 Mary, would you happen to have time to talk tomorrow? It’s ok if you don’t. Don’t worry! メアリー、明日はもしかしたら、お話しする時間はありますか?もしなかったら大丈夫です。気にしないでください。 ========== 面接二人の訳 面接は普段1人ずつなので、2人の場合面接が二つになります。なので「two interviews」と訳しました。しかし面接は1人ずつではない場合、人数を明確に説明する必要があります。 面接は1人ずつの場合:「two interviews」 そうでない場合:「interview two people」
  • Would you have time to interview two candidates next Tuesday?

  • Do you think you have time to interview two candidates next Tuesday?

Would you have time to ~? で「~していただくお時間はありますか?」という表現になります。 2番目の Do you think you have time to~? はもう少しカジュアルな言い方になります。
  • Could you squeeze in two interviews for next week Tuesday?

  • Could you slot in two interviews for Tuesday?

To "squeeze in " and to "slot in " have similar meanings in that you are acknowledging that your boss' schedule might be tight therefore they are likely to need to free up space to accommodate these interviews.
上司のスケジュールがタイトであるために、このような面接に対応するためには時間を作らなければならないという認識において、"squeeze in "と"slot in "は同じような意味で使用できます。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Could we schedule 2 interviews for next Tuesday?

  • Could you fit in 2 interviews next Tuesday

To schedule = arrange or plan (an event) to take place at a particular time. "The release of the single is scheduled for April." To fit something in = to find time to do something or to deal with someone: "The doctor can fit you in at three o'clock."
To schedule = 特定の時間に行われる予定(予定)を設定するか計画する。 "The release of the single is scheduled for April." 「シングルのリリースは4月に予定されている」 To fit something in =何かをする時間を見つけたり、誰かと対処する "The doctor can fit you in at three o'clock." "医者はあなたを3時に合わせることができます。"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Schedule interviews

  • Are you available to schedule 2 interviews next Tuesday? I have candidates lined up!

The boss is usually a very busy person and so we really need to schedule all appointments where he is concerned;-D A clear and simple question is in order. "Are you available to schedule 2 interviews next Tuesday? I have candidates lined up!
ボス(boss)はたいていとても忙しいので、関係する事柄はすべて日時を決めておかなければなりません。明確でシンプルな聞き方が適切です。 "Are you available to schedule 2 interviews next Tuesday? I have candidates lined up! 〔訳〕来週火曜に2件面接を入れるのは可能ですか?候補者がいます。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Sir/Mam, There are 2 potential candidates that can be interviewed. Can we schedule them for next week Tuesday?

  • Do you have a opening to interview 2 candidates next week Tuesday?

->Sir/Mam, There are 2 potential candidates that can be interviewed. Can we schedule them for next week Tuesday? ->Do you have a opening to interview 2 candidates next week Tuesday? Any of the above can be used in this situation. It is clear, easy and easy to understand.
Sir/Mam, There are 2 potential candidates that can be interviewed. Can we schedule them for next week Tuesday? (~さん、面接が可能な候補が2人います。来週の火曜日に予定をしてもいいですか?) Do you have a opening to interview 2 candidates next week Tuesday? (来週の火曜日に2人の候補者を面接するための時間は空いていますか?) この状況では、上記のいずれかを使用することができます。 明確で、簡単で分かりやすい言い方です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Would you be able to interview two people next week Tuesday?

  • Can I schedule you for two interviews on Tuesday?

"Would you be able to interview two people next week Tuesday?" The phrase "would you be able' is asking someone "would you have the opportunity or the means to do something.?" "Can I schedule you for two interviews on Tuesday? A schedule is a a plan for carrying out a process or procedure, giving lists of intended events and times. "We have a full schedule of interviews for the month of August." synonyms: plan, programme, timetable, scheme
Would you be able to interview two people next week Tuesday. (来週火曜日に二人,面接をできますか?") 「Would you be able~(~できますか)?」 は誰かに尋ねるフレーズは何かをする機会や手段があるかを尋ねているフレーズです。 Can I schedule you for two interviews on Tuesday? (火曜日、2つの面接を予定させて頂いてもよろしいですか?) Schedule(スケジュール)は、実行のためのプロセスや手順を、企画したイベントや時間のリストを示す計画表です。 "We have a full schedule of interviews for the month of August." (8月いっぱいは面接でスケジュールが埋まっています) 同義語:plan計画、programmeプログラム、timetable時刻表、scheme計画
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Would it be possible if schedule 2 interviews next week Tuesday?

  • Can I schedule two interviews next week Tuesday?

To schedule something means arrange or plan (an event) to take place at a particular time. For example "Another meeting was scheduled for April 20"
To schedule something(スケジュールを立てること)は、 特定の時間に開催する予定や計画(イベント)を意味します。 例) Another meeting was scheduled for April 20. 別の会議は4月20日に予定されていた。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Would you have time to interview two candidates on Tuesday?

  • Would you be able to see two interviewees on Tuesday?

A candidate is someone who is being considered for a position, for example someone who is running in an election or applying for a job. An interviewee is a person who is being interviewed. ======================== "Would you have time to interview two candidates on Tuesday?" "Would you be able to see two interviewees on Tuesday?"
candidate (候補者)は、特定のポジションに就くと考えられている人、 例えば、選挙で働いている人や仕事に応募している人などです。 Intervieweeは、面接されている人です。 ============ "Would you have time to interview two candidates on Tuesday?" (火曜日に2人の候補者を面接する時間がありますか?) "Would you be able to see two interviewees on Tuesday?" (火曜日に2人の面接者に会えますか?)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Can you interview two people next week on Tuesday?

  • Are you available to interview two people next week on Tuesday?

  • Do you have time to interview two people next week on Tuesday?

We can use the verb, "to be able to (can)," to ask if someone is capable of doing the interviews. We can ask if our boss, "is available," to do the interviews. Lastly we can ask if the person, "has time," to interview the people as well.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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