Somebody took an illegal copy of my friend's credit card while he was traveling in Europe.
somebody took an illegal copy of one's credit card で「誰かが人のクレジットカードの違法コピーを取る」
My friend was scammed when someone took a fraudulent copy of his credit card while he was on vacation in Florida.
be scammed で「詐欺にあう」
fraudulent は「不正の・詐欺で手に入れた」
「スキミング被害にあった」と英語で表現する時は "I fell victim to skimming." と言います。ここで "skimming" は、クレジットカードなどの磁気情報を不正に読み取る行為を指し、"fell victim to" で「〜の犠牲になった」という意味になります。
- My friend discovered fraudulent charges on their credit card after the trip.
- My friend's credit card was compromised after traveling.
- fraudulent (不正な)
- compromised (安全が損なわれた)
- unauthorized transactions (無断取引)