世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/05/22 11:41
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  • Is this free?; Is this for free?; Is this free-of-charge?

「タダ」は英語だと "free" や "for free" や "free-of-charge" になります。 なので、「これってタダなんですか」と聞きたいんでしたら、このようは自然です。 Is this free? Is this for free? Is this free-of-charge? *この言い方はだいたい商品や物の価格ではなく、だいたいサービスに関する事です。 ぼったくる:to rip someone off ぼったくられる:to be ripped off, to get ripped off 英語頑張りましょう:)
  • Is this a freebie?

  • Is this free of charge?

  • Is this complimentary?

Freebie, free of charge and complimentary are all good words to use to ask if something is free.
「Freebie」「free of charge」「complimentary」などは、無料であることを尋ねる時に使う表現です。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • Does it cost nothing?

It costs nothing.「無料です」 その疑問文は Does it cost nothing?「無料ですか?」となります。 ちなみに「ほとんど無料です」は It costs almost nothing. It costs next to nothing. のように almost next to を使うことで表現できます。  
Takuya Nigami 英語4技能をトレーニング「にがみ塾」塾長
  • Does it come at no cost?

  • Is it complimentary/comp?

  • Is this a freebie?

These are all things to say to find out if you have to pay for something or if it is free.You could also say : -I hope this is for nothing. -chargeless -costless -Is this on the house? (mostly used when offered drinks/food)
お金かかかるか、もしくはただなのか尋ねる表現となります。以下も使えます。 -I hope this is for nothing. -chargeless -costless -Is this on the house? (mostly used when offered drinks/food)
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Is it free?

  • Is this free of charge?

  • Is this gratis?

'Gratis' is a widely used term throughout Europe and the UK to denote a free service or product.
Gratis' は、無料のサービスや商品を指す言葉で、イギリスを含めてヨーロッパ全体で広く使われています。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Is this free?

  • Is this free of charge?

If you do something or get something for free, you do it without being paid or get it without having to pay for it. You can chat for free online. With just one code you can get yours for free. Are these free? Is this free of charge?
あなたがfor free(無料)でなにかをしたり何かを手に入れるということは、支払うことなしでできるということです。 オンラインで無料で会話できるよ。 1つのコードだけで、あなたのものが無料になるよ。 これらはただですか? これは何も料金がかかりませんか?
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Is this for free?

  • Is this free of charge?

When you ask the question: is this for free? You are simply asking if the item is free of charge, meaning (you don't have to pay for it). Here is an example of a dialogue: Hey are these information guides for free? Yeah! You can take one! Great, thanks!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Is (item name) free?

  • What does that cost?

"Is the (item name) free?" Asks if it costs nothing "Is this free" Asks if the item you are pointing to is free. "What does that cost?" This asks them to tell you the price to which they will reply it is free or tell you what it will cost.
"Is the (item name) free?" で、それがお金がかからないかどうかを尋ねます。 "Is this free"で、あなたが指差しているものが無料かどうかを尋ねます。 "What does that cost?" これで金額か、もしくは無料かどうかを教えてもらえます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Do I have to pay? or is it a free gift?

  • When I saw the offer, I was not sure if it was a free gift orIf i'd have to pay!

FREE does not always mean FREE :-) Especially when we see special offers or signs designed to entice us to spend our hard earned cash! There may be some confusion or indeed some special terms or condiitons that "qualify us " for a "Free Gift". Its always best to ask:-D ...."Do I have to pay for this or is it really FREE?" (otherwise hidden charge maybe applied in the small print:-))
例:Do I have to pay? or is it a free gift? 「これは有料ですか?それとも無料?」 例:When I saw the offer, I was not sure if it was a free gift orIf i'd have to pay! 「見つけた時は無料か有料かわからなかった。」 "Free"はいつでも「無料」を意味するわけではありません。 特にセールなどやっているときですね。 例えば、何かを買うことで何かが無料になる、といったことです。 時々誤解してしまいますよね。 いつでも、尋ねてしまうことが大切です。(じゃないとレシートに小さく書いて、こっそり請求されるかもね。) "Do I have to pay for this or is it really FREE?" 「これって本当に無料なの?」
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Is this free?

  • Can I have this for free?

  • Is this free of charge?

We can either ask if it is, "free of charge," or, "free," for short within simple sentences like example 1 and 3. In addition we can also ask for the permission as seen in example 2 with, "Can I have."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Is this for free?

  • Is this complimentary?

Both these questions can be asked when wanting to know if an item is free. Examples; - They had a special at this place downtown where if you buy a loaf of bread you get another loaf for free. - Whenever we stay in a hotel, the always give us complimentary soaps and shampoo's.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • Is it free?

  • I want to make sure I don't have to pay for this.

  • Are you really sure this is free?

おっしゃられている内容は以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) 先ず無難に他のアンカーの方も回答してらっしゃるように、 Is it free? 「タダですか?」 と言えます(*^_^*) 後で、ぼったくられないようなことを確実にしたいという状況なのであれば、 I want to make sure I don't have to pay for this. 「これに払わなくて良いということをちゃんと確認したいんです」 Are you really sure this is free? 「これがタダだってことはホントに確かなんですか?」 のように言ってもいいでしょう(*^_^*) 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
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