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カフェでバイトをしています。セルフサービスのお店なので、食べ終わった食器類はトレイごと返却口にお客様に戻して頂きたいのですが、失礼のないように英語でお願いするには何と言ったらいいですか? 食べ終わってもそのままテーブルに置きっ放しにされているお客様に、そっとお願いしたいです。
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2019/09/24 14:24
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  • Please return the tray to the return counter.

トレイ tray 返却口 return counter/return window 戻して return ください please 例文 This is a self service cafe so when you are finished eating I would appreciate it if you could return the tray with any other utensils to the return window. 「このカフェはセルフサービスのお店なので、食べ終わった食器類はトレイごと返却口にお客様に戻して頂きたいです。」 参考になれば幸いです。
  • Please return your tray to the counter when finished, thank you.

  • May I ask you to return your tray to the designated area when you are finished, thank you

By using please and thank you, majority of requests you make will be considered as polite so: - Please return your tray to the counter when finished, thank you or - May I ask you to return your tray to the designated area when you are finished, thank you.
Gayle S DMM英会話講師
  • Please return your tray to the return counter.

Sorry to bother you but once you are finished could you please return your tray to the return counter. Where is that? Just over there. Sure, no problem. Much appreciated, thanks. I hope this helps. Have a good day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Please return your tray to the counter when you have finished eating.

By saying please you are politely asking this. It would also be a good idea to say thank you once they have returned their trays. You could also say have a nice day once they leave and when serving coffee or drinks, you could say enjoy your drink or food to sound extra friendly and polite. :)
Melissa Jayne DMM英会話講師
  • When you are finished with your tray please return it to the return counter, thanks a lot!

Using this phrase is a good way to politely ask the customers to place their used trays on the return counter once they have finished using them. Using please is polite because you are asking them to do something while using manners, using thanks a lot on the end is also good, because it is showing appreciation to that customer for listening and showing thanks in advance to the customer for putting their tray on the return counter, once they are finished.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Please kindly return your trays to the return counter when you are done with them.

  • Please return your trays to the return counter when you are finished with them.

I you would like to tell someone to please return their trays to the return counter, you can say something like "Please kindly return your trays to the return counter when you are done with them." This is a very polite way to get your message across to a customer to put their trays back without sounding rude.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Please bring your tray back to the counter when you have finished with it.

  • Please be sure to return your tray back to the counter when you have finished eating.

  • Don't forget to please bring your tray back to the counter when you have finished using it, thank you.

Please-To give pleasure and satisfaction and a nice, polite way of asking somebody to do something. Bring-To carry or continue forward with something in terms of an action happening. Your-Referring to something that belongs to you. Tray-The item that is usually made from either wood or plastic. Back-Going to the place you first were at or got something from, the opposite direction of moving forward. To-In a direction towards something. The-Used as a function word in a sentence before the definite following noun. Counter-The till area at a shop or restaurant, or area where the payments and food is served etc... When-At what time, as soon as something. You-Meaning yourself. Have-To be in possession of, as a key characteristic or quality. Finished-When something is finally done and needs no more work or you decide to submit it. With it-Referring to the object one is asking the person to bring back. Eating-The act of putting food to the mouth, tasting, chewing and swallowing.
Kimberlina DMM英会話講師
  • Please return your tray to the counter.

  • Please return your tray to the return counter.

  • When finished, please return your try to the counter.

We can see in the first two examples that including the word, "return," before, "counter," is totally optional. This is because it is given information since you are using the word as a verb at the beginning of the sentence. In addition, we can also include the phrase, "when finished," as this is also a form of given information whether included or not.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Please return the tray at the designated counter please.

You could use the above sentence to politely tell a customer to return their trays to the return counter. Examples; - When you are done could you please return the the tray to the designated counter please. Designated meaning; To appoint or label something specifically.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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