世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/10/06 10:14
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  • I hope one day we can see a more peaceful world.

  • Our goal should be to achieve world peace.

I hope one day we can see a more peaceful world. いつかもっと平和な世界が見れることを願う。 Our goal should be to achieve world peace. 私たちの目標は世界平和を達成することであるべきです。 It's more natural in English to say, "I hope something will happen..." The 2nd example shows a lot of conviction saying that you think this is an achievable goal that we should work for. I believe we will see world peace too:)
Beebe DMM英会話講師
  • I hope that the world can live peacefully in future years

  • Let's give peace a chance!

You would like to explain that you wish for world peace. Of course, you could also echo the message of John Lennon from the 70s from the famous anti-war song: 'Give Peace A Chance.' If you desire something for the future you can start explaining this by using the structure: 'I hope that....'
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I wish for world peace.

  • I would love for world peace.

I am 100% behind you here, wishing for world peace that is. But if you want to explain to someone that you wish world peace would actually be a thing then you can say one of these two sentences. Do you wish for world peace? All the time I wish for world peace. Try one out, and see how you get on. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I want world peace.

I want world peace. →[世界](が[平和](になってほしい。/世界平和を[願っています]( 「私は世界平和を願っています」は「I want world peace.」と英訳できます。 「願っている」はシンプルに「want」で表すことができます。 「世界平和」は「world peace」です。 「平和」の反対「戦争」は「war」といいます。 【例】 There is no such thing as a good war. →良い戦争なんてない。 ご質問ありがとうございました。
  • I wish for world peace.

  • It is my hope that we can achieve world peace.

The meaning of world peace is the whole world being united, putting a stop to violence and war. All nations being at peace with one another, putting a stop to racism, sexism etc. If we can work together and achieve world peace, the world will be a better place!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I wish for world peace among and within all nations and people.

  • I hope there will be world peace.

  • I strongly hope there will be peace all over the world.

This meaning of world peace is an ideal of freedom, peace, and happiness among and within all nations and people. When we say peace all over the world that means peace in every part of it.
Radda DMM英会話講師
  • There are a lot of terrible things happening in the world, I wish there could be world peace.

This explains that there are a lot of terrible things happening in the world. It gives you a reason behind why you are wishing for world peace. Therefore, by explaining this it may help the conversation flow better and have the listener understand you better. You could also refer to a current event that is not peaceful and say because of this I wish there was world peace. ;)
Melissa Jayne DMM英会話講師
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