My nephew is pretty carefree, sloppy and messy in regard to most things, but once he makes up his mind to do something he does it with all of his heart.
My nephew is really laid back and not to concern about being neat and tidy. However when he decides to tackle something he gives it his all.
ーMy nephew is pretty carefree, sloppy and messy in regard to most things, but once he makes up his mind to do something he does it with all of his heart.
in regard to「〜に関しては」
make up one's mind「決心する・心に決める」
ーMy nephew is really laid back and not to concerned about being neat and tidy. However, when he decides to tackle something he gives it his all.
laid back はおおらかでのんびりした人のことを言ったり、ちょっと能天気な人のことを言ったりもできます。
neat は場所のことを言うなら、整頓された、人のことを言うなら、小綺麗な、の意味になります。
tidy も neat に似ていて、整然とした、綺麗好きな、という意味です。
give it one's all は「全力を尽くす・全力投球する」という表現方法で、「気合いを入れる」という風にも訳せます。