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2019/10/09 22:13
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  • I've worked in a number of fields.

I've worked in a number of fields. →私はいろいろな分野で働いてきました。 「分野」は「field」で表しました。 「worked」は「働く」という意味の動詞「work」の過去形・過去分詞形です。 「a number of」は「多数の/たくさんの」という意味です。「a number of」の後には数えられる名詞の複数形が続きます。 【例】 The United States has fought a number of wars, including the one against Japan. →アメリカは日本とのものも含め、たくさんの戦争を行ってきました。 ご質問ありがとうございました。
  • I have a range of experience in different fields.

  • I'm not a one-trick pony.

We may commonly explain that we have a range of experience showing that it covers many areas. One trick pony - is commonly used in the business terminology. It means to possess only one talent so it's common to say I'm not a one-trick pony to show that we possess many talents over a variety of fields.
Beebe DMM英会話講師
  • I have an extensive amount of experience in various fields of work.

I have an extensive amount of experience in various fields of work. - This means that you have a lot experience in different work situations. extensive - this word is used when you are describing a large amount. You can use this word in any case where you are describing a big number. " I have done an extensive amount of research on my work project." various fields -these two words tells us that you have experience in different kinds of jobs, not just one. "various" means different. " I read a various amount of books per month."
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • I have extensive experience in a variety of fields.

  • My field of experience is varied.

  • I have worked in a variety of different fields.

These sentences are suitable if you want to suggest that you have a large amount of experience in different areas. If you want to focus on one particular strength then you could use the expression, 'my field of expertise is..' So your complete sentence would read, " I have experience in many areas, but my field of expertise is...."
Li C DMM英会話講師
  • I have work experience in a number of fields.

  • I have worked in a number of fields.

So, do you have much work experience? Yes, I have work experience in a number of fields. You have worked in many places then? Yes, I have worked in a number of fields. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I have work experience in various fields.

  • I have work experience in various industries.

  • I have work in a number of fields.

Notice that within these example sentences that they all use almost the same words and structure with some minor differences. The first two sentences use the words, "fields," and, "industries," interchangeably, while the third example shows that, "a number of," and, "various," can also be switched around.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I have work experience in various fields.

  • I have work experience in a number of fields.

  • I have worked in a variety of fields.

Work experience: any experience that a person gains while working in a specific field or job. Examples: Q: Do you have any work experience? A: Yes, I have worked in this field for two years. Field: This is often used to indicate a specific job. Example: I have worked in this field for two years. Variety: Different, diverse. A lot of different roles or jobs. Example: I carried out a variety of tasks. (You did a lot of different things.)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • I have a varied range of work experience

  • I've worked in different fields

  • I've had a few different types of job

Well, you could also say that you are 'a jack of all trades' - although that is a little self-deprecating because the saying ends '...and master of none.' However it is typically humorous and explains your situation perfectly!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I have work experience in various fields.

  • I have experience in many different fields.

You can use any of the above two sentences to express that you have had many working experiences in different types of environments before. Examples; - I have work experience in various fields.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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