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2016/05/28 13:33
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  • Everything looks delicious!

  • Everything looks very good!

  • Everything looks very tasty!

「どれも ~そう」は Eerything looks~ すごく[美味しい]( は delicious very good very tasty などといいます。 ここで気をつけたいのは、delicious は、すでに「[とても](」という言葉を含んだ言葉ですので、very は付けられないことです。 それでも、delicious を強調したい時は very のかわりに、really(本当に), absolutely(実に)などを付けます。
  • What a delicious-looking feast!

網本さんのご回答に続き、これなんていかがでしょうか。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What a delicious-looking feast! なんて[美味しそう](なご馳走! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ delicious = とても美味しい delicious-looking = とても美味しそうな見た目 また、「delicious」に代わる別の形容詞を使っていただいて問題ありません。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What a scrumptious-looking feast! (「scrumptious」=[ほっぺたが落ちるほど][おいしい]([うまい]) What an appetizing feast! (「appetizing」=食欲をそそる) What a sumptuous feast! (「sumptuous」=豪華な、贅沢な) What a superb feast! (「superb」=素晴らしい) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ などなど。 類語辞典を引いて、自分が納得行くような文章を作成してみてください! 意外と楽しかったりします。 それでは、ご馳走を堪能してきてください~笑
  • The food looks delightful.

  • Everything looks so yummy.

  • The meal looks very divine.

>▪ The food looks delightful. >delightful is very lovely to one's liking. >▪ Everything looks so yummy. >Yummy is another casual word for delicious. >▪ The meal looks very divine. >divine means pleasing.
The food looks delightful. (すごく美味しそうな料理ですね。) delightful は大好きな気持ちを表せる言葉です。 Everything looks so yummy. (どれもとても美味しそうですね。) Yummy は美味しいという意味を伝える比較的カジュアルな言葉です。 The meal looks very divine. (素晴らしく美味しそうな食事ですね。) divine は喜ばしいという気持ちを伝えられます。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • This is mouth-watering!

If something (especially food) looks, smells or sounds delicious, we can refer to it as 'mouth-watering' because it arouses the appetite.
Faith DMM英会話講師
  • This looks yummy!

  • The food looks so appetizing.

  • Wow, you really outdid yourself. Everything looks amazing.

You can also say "the food tastes delectable" or "everything looks so good".
このような言い方もあります。 “The food tastes delectable.” (料理がとても美味しい。) “Everything looks so good.” (すべてとても美味しそうです。)
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • The food looks appetizing.

*The food looks appetizing.-If food is appetizing it means that it smells and looks so good you can't wait to eat it. *Everything looks delicious!- This is a polite way of saying you think you will enjoy the food and you are grateful.
*The food looks appetizing 「おいしそう!」 "food is appertizing"ということは、匂いも見た目も美味しそうで、食べるのを待てないという意味です。 *Everything looks delicious! 「すべてが美味しそうにです! 」 これはあなたが食事を楽しみ、感謝しているという丁寧な言い回しです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • delicious

  • mouth watering, scrumptious

you could say "what a mouth watering selection of dishes". or " our host laid out a scrumptious feast". or " we had a choice of a range of delectable dishes to choose from"
次のように表現することが出来ます。 "What a mouth watering selection of dishes". (なんてよだれが出るほどにおいしそうな料理でしょう) "Our host laid out a scrumptious feast" (私たちのホストは何ともおいしそうな食事を広げてくれた) "We had a choice of a range of delectable dishes to choose from" (私たちはおいしそうな料理のセレクションを選べた)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • That looks great!

  • That looks amazing

Your friend invited you over for a meal. When the food is presented before you, you want to say that everything looks really good.In that case, one of the above suggested comments should be appropriate as a way of commenting about how good the meal looks.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Wow! Everything looks delicious!

  • Everything looks wonderful!

  • All the food looks so good!

All three of these sentences are very similar with a different choice of adjectives such as, "delicious," "wonderful," or, "so good." We can either be general and use the help of context with the noun, "everything," or to be more specific we can say, "all the food."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • "Wow! Everything looks delicious!"

  • "You did such a good job, everything you've made looks really good"

If your friend invited you over for a meal and the food has been presented looks really good, you could say either of the following to express this: "Wow! Everything looks delicious!" or "You did such a good job, everything you've made looks really good".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • All of the food looks amazing!

Examples: Wow great cooking, all of the food looks amazing! This food looks yummy! Thanks for preparing it for us! This food looks amazing thanks for preparing it for me! This food looks so good, thank you so much! I can't wait to try all of it!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
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