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2019/10/18 01:45
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  • Linguist

こんにちは。質問ありがとうございます。 「言語学」はlinguisticsと言い、言語学を研究する「言語学者」はlinguistと言います。 例 彼は言語学者です。 He is a linguist. 例 言語学者は言語の研究をします。 Linguists study language. 例 言語学の授業は面白かったです。 My linguistics class was interesting. またの質問をお待ちしています。
  • linguist

  • linguistic student

  • linguistic professor/teacher.

The study of language and how it is formed (structure) is called "linguistics". It is from this word that derive words such as "linguist". Whenever you ear a word like this, just know they are talking about the study of languages! We usually call someone who studies languages a "linguist". If the person you want to call a "linguist" is still a student at university, then you can call them a "linguistic student." If the person may be teaching linguistics, then you could call them a "linguistic professor/teacher".
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • Linguist

  • Student of Linguistics

  • Linguist student

The study of languages is referred to as 'linguistic studies' and as such a person who studies linguistics is a student of linguistics (or a linguistics student). Someone who is is proficient at using languages is often referred to as a linguist.
Gayle S DMM英会話講師
  • Linguist

A person who studied linguistics is called a "linguist". Linguistics is a study of language and its structure. You may use the term "linguist" in the following ways: -I have always wanted to be a linguist because I am interested in how language structures work and it would also improve my ability to write.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Linguist

A person who studies linguistics, which is the study of languages, is called a "linguist". We can also call this person a linguistic student if he or she is still studying. They are able to speak more than one language proficiently. "I am studying linguistics and therefore I am a linguist"
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Linguist

  • Linguist student

Hello, Jack-san, A person who studies languages is called a Linguist. Any further elaboration on what kind of linguist he is will depend on the languaes that he is learning, such as a Romance Linguist for the Romantic languages (Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, et al), or a Semitic Linguist for those studying Semitic languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, etc).
Brayan DMM英会話講師
  • A language student

  • A student of languages

  • A linguist

Any one of the above examples refers to someone who is a student of languages, or who speaks, or is skilled in more than one language. If it is the studying or educational process of learning languages that you wish to stress then inclusion of the word 'student' clarifies that point. "Henry is a student of languages studying French and Spanish at Oxford University."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Linguist

  • Student of Linguistics

  • Linguistics student

The terms, "Linguistics student and Student of Linguistics" are interchangeable and can both be used to describe someone who is studying Linguistics. Another term for someone who is skilled in speaking or studying foreign languages is 'Linguist'.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Linguist.

Here are some examples of this word being used in context: I'm a linguist, I decided to become a linguist because I love learning about new languages. I find studying linguistics very fun at university, I am so happy that I became a linguist.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • linguist

「言語学者」はlinguistと言います(*^_^*) ◆ 他に職業名をいくつか挙げますね♪ 「弁護士」lawyer 「政治家」politician 「首相」prime minister 「大統領」president 「行政書士」administrative scrivener 「司法書士」judicial scrivener 「科学者」scientist 「看護師」nurse 「医者」doctor 「教師」teacher 「システムエンジニア」systems engineer 「建築家」architect 「売春婦」prostitute 「ウェイター」waiter 「ウェイトレス」waitress 「俳優」actor 「キャビンアテンダント」flight attendant/cabin attendant 「アナウンサー」news caster 「芸人」comedian 「AV女優」porn star 「映画監督」movie director 「検察官」prosecutor 「占い師」fortune teller 「牧師」pastor 「モデル」model 「パイロット」pilot 「薬剤師」pharmacist 「美容師」hairdresser 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(^_^)
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