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2015/11/24 23:47
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  • Can I have a bit of everything?

  • Can I have a sampler of everything?

"a bit" は少量のことです "sampler" は最近よく耳にしますが、サンプル(無料)という意味ではなく、少しずつ試す意味です。
  • Can I have a little bit of everything?

  • Can I try a little bit of everything?

直訳すると「すべての少しを持っていいですか?」です。 a little bit で「少し」。little も bit も1語でも「少し」になりますので ふたつ続けることで「ほんのちょっと」というような強調効果が出ます。 もし、1つに決める前にすべて試したい、というような場面であれば Can I try a little bit of everything? と try 「試す」という動詞が使えます。
  • Can I have a selection?

  • Can I have some of each?

A selection is a collection of things to choose from. If you ask for a selection, you are asking for many different types E.g. There's always a wide selection of delicious meals to choose from on the menu. Some of each means a bit of everything or an assortment E.g. Would you like some of each of these different pieces of fruit?
selection は、選べるもののコレクションのことです。selection を求めるということは、いろんなタイプのものを求めるということです。 例 There's always a wide selection of delicious meals to choose from on the menu.(メニューにはいつもいろんな種類の選べる美味しい料理が載っている。) some of each はすべてやアソートのものを少しずつという意味です。 例 Would you like some of each of these different pieces of fruit?(これらの果物のかけらを、それぞれ少しずつ食べてみませんか?)
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • A bit of each please!

In a buffet or in the UK, perhaps a carvery, there may be an incredible array of delicious-looking food in front of you - and you may feel that your desire to tast everything far supercedes the basic need to sit down and eat a hearty meal. It may becvome a tasting session! You want to try a sample of everything and you may start with the prawn cocktail starters! "I'm going to try a bit of everything!"
ビュッフェまたはイギリスの肉料理を切り分けてくれるレストランではあなたの目の前に美味しそうな料理がたくさん並んでいるかもれせません。 そしてあなたの全てを試食したい欲求が座って健康的な食事をする基本的なニーズに取って代わったように感じるかもしれません。試食会になるかもしれません!全ての料理を試食したく、エビのカクテルの前菜から始めるかもしれません! "I'm going to try a bit of everything!" (少しずつ全てを試します)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have a portion of everything please?

>Can I have a portion of everything please? *To have = to experience. *Portion= a part of a whole. Using this sentence is asking for a little bit of the full dishes that is available.
>Can I have a portion of everything please? (私は一部部分をもらえますか?) *To have=経験すること、もらう事。 *portion=全体の一部。 この文を使用すると、料理の全体の量から少しの量を貰うことができるかを尋ねることができます。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Can I try a little of everything?

  • can I sample a little of everything?

1. Can I try a little of everything? This is a simple and direct question. 2. Can I sample a little of everything? To sample something means to take a small part or quantity of the whole.
1. Can I try a little of everything? (少し試してみてもいいですか?) これはシンプルで直接的に質問する言い方です。 2. Can I sample a little of everything? (少しでも試してもいいですか?) To sample(試す)ことは、全体から小さな部分や量を取ることを意味しています。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Can I get a little taste of everything?

  • I'd like to sample a bit of all of them.

a little taste - this means a tiny piece, so not enough to fill your stomach but enough to get a taste a sample - this is a small portion of something; usually, these are offered free of charge
"a little taste"(ちょっと味見) - これはお腹が一杯になってしまうほどの量ではなく、ほんの少し味見程度の量と言う意味になります。 "a sample"(サンプル) - これは見本の事で少しの量です。 通常これは無料で提供されます。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • sample everything

  • Not sure exactly what I'd may I sample everything?

When we go to a an eatery.../restuarant and there are lots of dished laid out... It can be difficult to know what to to choose "for the best". In this scenario one might well ask... if its alright to "sample a little of everything"?
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Can I please have a little bit of everything please?

  • I would like to have a little bit of everything please.

If you would like to ask someone for a little bit of everything, you can say something like "Can I please have a little bit of everything please?" or "I would like to have a little bit of everything please.". These are some polite and easy ways to say this to someone.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have a little of each?

  • Could I get some of each one?

  • Could I get a bit of everything?

When asking for some of everything, like food, you can ask questions such as: "Can I have a little of each?" or "Could I get a bit of everything?" If you use the terms "a bit" or "a little" it can have the same meaning as "some".
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Please give me a portion of everything

  • A bit of everything will do.

  • Please give me a piece of everything.

The noun 'portion' used in the first request means a part of something bigger. For example, a 'portion' of land means just a part of the land, not the whole land. It can also mean a 'bit' of land. A 'piece' of cake means a slice of cake, and a 'piece of cloth' means a portion of the whole cloth. So, if there are many foodstuffs on the table at a party, you would be one hundred percent understood if you said any of the following: Please give me a portion of everything. or A bit of everything will do. or Please give me a piece of everything.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Can I try some of it all?

  • I'd like to try out a bit of everything, please.

  • I will have a taste of all that is on offer, please.

Food is delicious and most people are foodies! This means that they love tasting different types of foods, not becuase they are hungry but because they love the taste of food and exploring the different cuisines that exist. If there is a variety of food on display for consumption and you would like to try little bits of all of it you can use the sentences above. You might be tempted to eat everything on display if this is the case and you would like to try it all in small portions you can also say: "Can I have a little bit of that and everything else!" "I am happy to try bits of everything, please." "Please give me a small serving of each item." Foodie: someone who has a great interest in food. Gastronome: someone who enjoys food for pleasure. "She is such a foodie!"
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have a little of everything.

  • Can I have a bit of everything.

  • I will take a little bit of everything.

Here we can either use the degree word, "a little," or, "a bit," and even combine them into one whole phrase with, "a little bit," but keep in mind that the preposition, "of," must come after these two words. Lastly we can either say, "i'll take," or, "can I have," interchangeably.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • A bit of everything on offer would be great thanks!

  • I'll have a tiny bit of everything that you have.

1. A bit of everything on offer would be great thanks! A bit of everything on offer means having a small portion of everything that's available/ being offered. 2. I'll have a tiny bit of everything that you have. A tiny bit means a small portion. Everything that you have refers to whatever is on display.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have a little bit of everything?

  • I'd like a little bit of everything.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・Can I have a little bit of everything? 全部少しずついただけますか? ・I'd like a little bit of everything. 全部少しずつ欲しいです。 a little bit of everything で「全部を少しずつ」と英語で表現することができます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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