世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/05/29 18:11
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  • Do you know where ◯◯ is?

  • Did you happen to see ◯◯ (somewhere/around here)?

知り合いとかに普通に訊くのであれば (例) Do you know where the car remote is? のような訊き方で問題ないと思います。ただこれはどちらかというと家族とか有人などの親しい方に使う表現で、いきなり言われるとちょっとぶっきらぼうです。ただし少しお尋ねのコンテクストとは違いますが、お店の中やショッピングモールなどでトイレを訊く表現の (例) Do you know where the restroom (bathroom) is? は問題ありません。 二つ目の例の happen to see は 日本語でいうと「〜を見かけなかった?」という表現で、例えば自分の子供を探している時などにも使えます。スターバックスで席を離れた後に財布とかスマホを置き忘れたのに気づいて戻り、近くにいる人に訊く場合などはこちらの方がぶっきらぼうではなくていいかも知れません。 ご参考まで!
Tachiiri 事業開発コンサルタント、Zen English
  • Do you know where the (object) is?

  • Have you seen the (object)?

  • Do you know where I can find the (object)?

A: Do you know where the calculator is? B: it is in the office A: Have you seen my shoes? B: No, I have not A: Do you know where I can find the brush? B: It is in the bathroom.
例1 A: Do you know where the calculator is?(電卓がどこにあるか知らない?) B: it is in the office(オフィスにあるよ) 例2 A: Have you seen my shoes?(私の靴を見なかった?) B: No, I have not(見てないよ) 例3 A: Do you know where I can find the brush?(ブラシがどこにあるか知らない?) B: It is in the bathroom.(バスルームにあるよ)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Where are the keys?

  • What happened to the TV remote?

  • Have you seen the car keys?

"Where are the keys?" asks if they know the location of the item. "What happened to the" asks if anyone knows where the item was moved to. "Have you seen" asks if they have seen the item somewhere.
"Where are the keys? 物がどこにあるか知っているかどうかを尋ねています。 What happened to the 物がどこに移動されたかを知っている人がいるかどうかを尋ねています。 Have you seen その物をどこかで見たかどうかを尋ねています。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Where is the TV remote?

  • Have you seen the TV remote?

  • Do you know where the TV remote is?

1. "Where is the TV remote?"/"Where are the keys?" Since you're speaking to family, I'm assuming you can be quite casual with them! If I were asking my sibling where the TV remote is, I would omit the word "TV" and just say "Where is the remote?" or "Where's the remote?" It's more casual to use contractions such as "it's" instead of "it is". I think it's a very straightforward and direct way to ask this question, but also very appropriate for family or close friends. 2. "Have you seen the TV remote?"/"Have you seen the keys?" "Have you seen" is another way of asking where something is, except it directly asks if the person has seen the object somewhere. 3. "Do you know where the TV remote is?"/"Do you know where the keys are?" This is also another way of asking where any object is! I hope this helps!!
1. ""Where is the TV remote?""/""Where are the keys?"" 家族に話しているので、普段通りに一緒にいると推測します。 テレビのリモコンがどこにあるか尋ねるのであれば、「TV」や「Where is the remote?」や「Where's the remote?」という言葉を言うことができます。「it is」の代わりに「it's」のようなに短縮して使うことでより気軽になります。 この質問を直接的ではっきり尋ねるだけでなく、家族や親密な友達に対して適切な方法です。 2. ""Have you seen the TV remote?""/""Have you seen the keys?"" 「Have you seen」は何がどこにあるか尋ねる他の方法です。それ以外では、その人がどこでそれを見つけることができるかを直接尋ねます。 3. ""Do you know where the TV remote is?""/""Do you know where the keys are?"" そのものがどこにあるか尋ねる他の方法です。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Juno DMM英会話講師
  • Where's the remote gone?

  • Anyone seen my car keys?

We are all absent minded at times and it's so easy to leave things in obscure places and forget where we put them. "Where's the remote gone?" "It's probably under ione of the sofa cushions." "Anyone seen my car keys?" "Yes, they're in the kitchen by the fruit bowl."
ときどきどこに物を置いたのか忘れてしまう物忘れなんて誰だっていつでもやってしまうものですよね。 "Where's the remote gone?" リモコンはどこいった? "It's probably under ione of the sofa cushions." ソファークッションの下じゃないかな。 "Anyone seen my car keys?" 車のカギ誰かみなかった? "Yes, they're in the kitchen by the fruit bowl." 果物かごの横にあったよ
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you know where ___ ?

  • Have you seen the ____?

  • Where is the ___ ?

All of these three questions can be used in the same way interchangeably to mean the same thing. The main difference between these three questions are the verbs that are used to ask the question. - "Do you know where ____?" - uses the verb, "to know," to ask about the person's knowledge of the item's location. - "Have you seen the ___?" - uses the verb, "to see," to ask if the person saw the item somewhere in a previous moment in time. - "Where is the ___? - uses the verb, "to be," just to ask about the general location of the item itself.
3つとも同じ意味で使うことができます。主な違いは、質問に使う動詞です。 - "Do you know where ____?" (~はどこかわかりますか?) 動詞"to know"は、人にある物の場所がどこにあるか知っているかを聞くのに使う言葉です。  - "Have you seen the ___?" (~を見ましたか?) 動詞"to see"は、その瞬間より前にあるものをどこかで見たかを聞くときに使う言葉です。  - "Where is the ___? (~はどこですか?) 動詞"to be"は、あるものの場所を聞くときに使う言葉です。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Do you remember where you put it?

  • Where can I find it?

  • Where did you put it?

You might ask in different ways depending who you are asking. A less accusational way to say it is the first one.
相手が誰なのかによって言い方が変わるかもしれません。 一つ目は相手を責める感じを抑えた言い方です。
Jessica B DMM英会話講師
  • Does anyone know where the TV remote control is?

  • Do you know where my car keys are by any chance?

  • Has anyone seen my car keys?

In a home where there is a family of a number of people, it happens often that things like TV remote controls get placed in places where they cannot easily be seen, such as under the cushions. Car keys are some of the most misplaced items in the home. So, the next time one of these items get misplaced, you mask: Does anyone know where the TV remote control is? or Do you know where my car keys are by any chance? or Has anyone seen my car keys?
家族や何人か人がいる家では、テレビのリモコンが、クッションの下にあるなど、見つかりにくい場所にあるのがよくあることです。 車の鍵は、家の中で一番、置き忘れるものの一つです。このようなものを、置き忘れてしまったとき、以下のように聞くことができます。  Does anyone know where the TV remote control is? テレビのリモコンがどこにあるか誰か知らない?  Do you know where my car keys are by any chance? もしかして私の鍵どこにあるか知ってる?   Has anyone seen my car keys? 誰か私の車の鍵見た?
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Where is the TV remote?

  • Have you seen the car keys?

  • Do you know where the car keys are?

When you want to ask someone where something is; then you may ask in the following ways: -Where is the TV remote? -Have you seen the car keys? -Do you know where the car keys are?
人にあるものがどこにあるか聞きたいときのフレーズです。 -Where is the TV remote? (テレビのリモコンはどこ?) -Have you seen the car keys? (車の鍵を見た?) -Do you know where the car keys are? (車の鍵がどこにあるかわかる?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Do you know where the ___ is?

  • Have you seen the ___?

If you have misplaced something and want to ask someone if they know where it is or have seen it, you can say something like "Do you know where the ___ is?" or "Have you seen the ___?".
何かを失くして、人にどこかで見たか聞きたいときには、 "Do you know where the ___ is?" (~はどこにあるかわかりますか?) "Have you seen the ___?" (~を見ましたか?) と聞くといいでしょう。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Have you seen the TV remote?

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「Have you seen the TV remote?」 (意味) テレビのリモコンどこにあるか知らない? <例文> Have you seen the TV remote? I thought I put it on this table but I can't find it. <訳>テレビのリモコンどこにあるか知らない? このテーブルの上に置いたと思うんだけど見つからないの。 参考になれば幸いです。
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