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ちょっとした雑談で 今日テレビでやるんだ!と
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2016/06/03 20:16
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  • "Harry Potter" will be on TV today!

  • They're showing a Harry Potter movie on TV today!

もちろん直訳すると「Harry Potter will be broadcast on TV today」になりますが、普通はこんな時に「broadcast」を使いません。「be on TV」や「they're showing...」を使います。 それに普通は夜に[放送](しますので、「They're showing a Harry Potter movie on TV *tonight*」の方を使うでしょう。
Tim Young 主催
  • They will be broadcasting Harry Potter today!

  • Harry Potter is playing on TV today!

  • They're airing Harry Potter on TV today!

broadcasting =To transmit (a programme or some information) by radio or television. playing = To show a program on TV. To air = To broadcast a program on TV for public consumption.
Broadcasting =ラジオやテレビで番組やその他情報を流すこと([放送](、放映) Playing =番組をテレビで[映す](こと To air =大衆向けにテレビで番組を流すこと。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • "Harry Potter" is gonna be on TV today!

「(番組の名前)is gonna be on TV today」は日常的に私もよく使っている表現です。ご存じかもしれませんが "gonna be" は "going to be" の砕けた言い方です。雑談というシチュエーションということなので、雑談っぽい雰囲気が伝わるようにしてみました。お役に立てれば幸いです。
  • A) Harry Potter will be on TV today!

  • B) Today Harry Potter will be broadcast on TV

*Will be on - will be played on TV / Will be showing on TV *Broadcast - To transmit a program by Television or Radio I hope this helps :-)
Will be on=テレビでやること、テレビ放送すること。 Broadcast=テレビまたはラジオで番組を流すこと。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Harry Potter is showing on TV today.l

  • 2. Guess what? We can watch a Harry Potter film later.

  • 3. Oh, not again! there's another repeat of Harry Potter today!

1. '...showing' - this means, featuring on TV or at the cinema, or on stage in a theatre. "Now showing at the Athenium Theatre in London is Shakespeare's Macbeth." 2. "Guess what?" We use this expression before introducing a topic that is interesting. The speaker does not expect a reply. "Guess what? Did you hear that James is going to marry Liz?" 3. This speaker is not a fan of Harry Potter and is tired of so many repeats on TV. "Oh, not again!" is an exclamation of disgust.
1. '...showing' -これは、出し物、テレビやシネマで放送されていることを意味します。 "Now showing at the Athenium Theatre in London is Shakespeare's Macbeth." 今アスィニウムシアターではシェークスピアのマクベスやっているよ。 2. "Guess what?" この表現は、何か面白いトピックを話す前に使います。 "Guess what? Did you hear that James is going to marry Liz?" 知ってるかい?ジェームズがリズと結婚するんだってよ。 3. 話者はハリーポッターのファンではなく、テレビでの再放送に見飽きているというシチュエーションです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • "Harry Potter" will be on TV today.

  • If you are a fan of "Harry Potter", you can watch it today on TV.

  • "Harry Potter" is on TV today.

All of these sentences can be used to let someone know that Harry Potter is showing on TV today. Hope this helps!
三例とも、今日テレビでハリーポッターが放送される、と伝える言い方です。 参考になるといいです!
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • Harry Potter will be on TV today.

  • They will be playing Harry Potter on TV today.

They will be airing Harry Potter on TV today. Harry Potter will be showing on TV today. Harry Potter will be on TV today. They will be showing Harry Potter on TV today.
They will be airing Harry Potter on TV today. Harry Potter will be showing on TV today. Harry Potter will be on TV today. They will be showing Harry Potter on TV today. (今日はテレビでハリーポッターが放送されるよ。)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • "Harry Potter" will be on TV today.

  • "Harry Potter" will be broadcast on TV today.

  • You can watch "Harry Potter" on TV today.

おっしゃられている内容は以下のように表現できると思いました(*^_^*) "Harry Potter" will be on TV today. 「ハリーポッターが今日テレビであるよ」 "Harry Potter" will be broadcast on TV today. 「ハリーポッターが今日テレビで放送されます」 You can watch "Harry Potter" on TV today. 「今日テレビでハリーポッターが見れるよ」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
  • Harry Potter will be broadcasted on television today.

  • Harry Potter will be playing on television today.

  • Harry Potter will be shown on television today.

Harry Potter will be broadcasted on television today example sentence: I cannot believe that it is the first time in my city that Harry Potter will be broadcast on television today. Harry Potter will be playing on television today example sentence: I decided to stay at home because Harry Potter will be playing on television today for the first time. Harry Potter will be shown on television today example sentence: I am very excited to get back home this afternoon because Harry Potter will be shown on television today.
Joey B DMM英会話講師
  • Harry Potter is showing on TV today.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「Harry Potter is showing on TV today.」 (意味)今日はテレビでハリーポッターが放送されるよ! <例文>Harry Potter is showing on TV today. We should watch it today. <訳>今日はテレビでハリーポッターが放送されるよ!一緒に今日それを見よう。 参考になれば幸いです。
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