Every time you justify yourself with lies or excuses, I have to disprove it and end up wasting time.
Anyway, even if you try to temporarily protect your pride by saying "It's not my fault", it would end up being unraveled, so you should instead just humbly admit your mistake from the beginning, and spend your time trying to prevent future mistakes.
As I have always said, admitting a mistake right away would not make me blame you further, and I would not heat up as well.
lies = 嘘
excuses = 言い訳
justify = 自己正当化
disprove = 反証する
wasting time = 時間は無駄にする
Anyway = どうせ
temporarily = 一時的
It's not my fault = 自分は悪くない
protect your pride = プライドを守る
wasting time = 時間は無駄にする
(lie)unraveled = (噓が)解き明かされる
from the beginning = 最初から
admit your mistake = 自分の非を認めて
humbly = 謙虚に
spend your time = 時間を使う
prevent future mistakes = 今後のミスを防げる
As I have always said = いつも言っている通り
right away = すぐに
(would not make me) blame (you) further = (私が)それ以上(君を)責めない
heat-up = ヒートアップ