世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/26 14:28
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  • wanna go see a movie? Where can we meet?

  • How about a movie? Where do you want to meet?

LINE で伝える時を考えてなるべく長くなく、ちゃんと伝わる文書を考えるとまた別のパターンの表現もまた可能ですね。 本来であれば ”Do you want to ..." になりますが、SNSやLINEなどのオンラインということを考えて省略した言い方、”wanna go see a movie?" (映画はどう?) ”Where can we meet?" (どこで会う?)、この後半も実際は、”where meet?" なんて文法なんて気にせず通じることだけを優先して言うのも、ネイティブですら使うテクニックですので、正しい表現ではなくともOKです。 また、”How about a movie?" (映画はどう?)という言い方、これもまた後半は単に、”if yes, where meet?" (もしOKだったらどこで会う?)と短く全て省略した言い方でも通じると思います。 主旨はとにかく伝えること、こういう時こそ文法なんて関係ありませんよね、日本語もまた同じ。気楽に自己流で話しちゃってOKで~す!!
Hara Ken English teacher
  • How about going to a movie?

  • Would you like to see a movie or something?

  • Where’ll you get me?

①How about going to a movie? 「映画どう?」 ラインだと短い方がいいかも。 How about ~ で~はどう?と相手をお誘い出来る表現です。 ②Would you like to see a movie or something? 「映画か何か観に行かない?」 ①より少し、丁寧で something をつけてちょっとぼやかしてあまり押しつけがましくない感じです。まだ少し距離がある友達向け。 ③Where’ll you get me? 「どこで会う?」 get をcatch としてもOK Where'll we meet? も同じ意味です。 ご参考になさって下さいね。
  • Let's go see a movie (then). Where do you wanna meet up?

  • Let's catch a flick (then). Rendezvous point?

>じゃ、映画でも行こっか。どこで会う?って英語でなんて言うの? 言い方が様々に存在します。 お好きな方を選んで活用してください。 >映画でも行こっか ↓ ----------------------- Let's go see a movie. Let's catch a movie. Let's catch a flick. Let's go to the movies. Let's go to the cinema. Let's see a film. ----------------------- >どこで会う? ↓ ----------------------- Where do you wanna meet up? Where should we meet? Where should I meet you? Rendezvous point? ----------------------- 使用例: ----------------------- A: I'm bored as nails. (今日はすることないなー。) B: Let's catch a flick then. (んじゃ、映画でも行こっか。) A: Stellar idea. Rendezvous point? (いいね!どこで会う?) B: Meet you at the mall entrance in 20. (20分後にモールの入り口でどう?) A: Sweetness. (了解!) -----------------------
  • Then, lets go for a movie. Where should we meet?

let's go for=「〇〇しに行こうよ!」 他にも、 let's go for lunch=ランチ食べに行こうよ! let's go for a drink=一杯飲みに行こうよ! Where should we meet?は「どこで会えばいい?(少し丁寧な言い方)になります。 また、英語で「じゃ」と表現したいときはThenがとても便利です。
  • Would like to go out for movies ?Where would you like to meet?

*Would like to go out for movies ?Where would you like to meet? You can ask the above questions separately. For example: You: Would like to go out for movies ? Friend:Yes sure You:Where would you like to meet? Friend:Let's meet at the mall at 3pm.
例文 *Would like to go out for movies ?Where would you like to meet? 映画に行かない?どこで待ち合わせをする? 上記の質問を別々に言うことができます。 例文 You: Would like to go out for movies ? 映画に行かない? Friend:Yes sure うん、いいよ。 You:Where would you like to meet? どこで待ち合わせをする? Friend:Let's meet at the mall at 3pm. モールで3時に会おう。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Do you wanna catch a movie? Where should we meet?

  • why don't we watch a movie? Where can we meet?

Do you wanna catch a movie? Where should we meet? Catch a movie= to go to the cinema and watch a movie. Example: We need to catch a movie before the winter months. Why don't we watch a movie? Where can we meet? 'Why don't we watch a movie?'= This is a very informal way of inviting someone out to a movie. Where can we meet?= This makes the other person feel involved in the decision process of where you will be meeting.
Do you wanna catch a movie? Where should we meet? 映画を観に行きませんか?どこで会いましょう? Catch a movieとは、映画館に行き映画を観ることです。 例文: We need to catch a movie before the winter months. 冬になる前に映画を観に行きましょう。 Why don't we watch a movie? Where can we meet? 映画を観に行きませんか?どこで会いましょう? 'Why don't we watch a movie?'は誰かを映画に誘うときのとてもカジュアルな言い方です。 Where can we meet?= どこで会いたいか誘っている相手に一緒に決めているという感覚を与えます。
Fay Fay DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to go to the movies sometime?

  • Shall we meet at the cinema?

Explanation:- There are two questions and the second question only needs to be asked if you receive a positive response to the first question. 'Would you like....?" is a polite way to invite anyone to do something with you. Sample sentence:- "Would you like to go shopping together tomorrow?"
解説:2つの例文がありますが、2番目のものは1番目の質問に承諾の返事があった場合にのみ使えます。 'Would you like....?" は自分と一緒に何かするよう相手を誘う際の丁寧な表現です。 例文: "Would you like to go shopping together tomorrow?" (明日一緒に買い物に行きませんか?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How about going to see a movie?

  • Would you like to go see a movie later?

  • You wanna catch a flick?

There are different ways to ask someone, in a casual way, if they would like to go to see a movie at the cinema. Some phrases that can be used before an invitation are: "Would you like to...?" "How about...?" "You wanna go..." "Let's go..." One way to casually invite someone to see a movie is "You wanna go see a movie?" "Wanna" is a slang want of abbreviating "want to". Another way to invite someone is by asking "How about going to see a movie?"
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Let's meet up and go to the movies.

  • Where would you like to meet to go to the movies.

I would ask the person where they would like to meet at and then I would ask them if they wanted to go to the movies. You can also make a request to meet up and then go to the movies. After that you can ask for the best place to meet.
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • would you like to go to a movie? where should we meet?

  • lets go see a movie? where do you want to meet?

saying either "would you like to go to a movie? where should we meet?" or "lets go see a movie? where do you want to meet?" are both polite and casual ways to say this.
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • Do you want to go to the cinema with me? if so where shall we meet?

  • Lets go to the movies! where do you want to meet?

These sentences have both the same outcome but are worded differently, the term "movies" is the same as "cinema" so you are able to use both words in a sentence. "Where shall" is another term for 'Where should'.
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to go to the movies with me sometime? Do you have a preferred place to meet?

  • Wanna go check out a movie on Thursday? Where do you want to meet?

  • I want to see go see the new Marvel movie. Would you like to go with me? Where do you want to meet?

When you want to casually ask someone to the movies and ask them where you should meet; you may ask in the following ways? -Would you like to go to the movies with me sometime? Do you have a preferred place to meet? -Wanna go check out a movie on Thursday? Where do you want to meet? -I want to see go see the new Marvel movie. Would you like to go with me? Where do you want to meet?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Do you want to go to the cinema/movies sometime?

  • Fancy going to the cinema/movies sometime?

  • Where do you want to meet?

These are the basic questions to ask. Movies is American and cinema is British. Do you also more British and is just another way of saying would you like to...?
Becky D DMM英会話講師
  • Let's go see a movie. Where do you want to meet?

Let's go see a movie. Where do you want to meet? 映画を観に行きましょう。どこで会いますか? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 go see a movie で「映画を観に行く」を表すことができます。 例: I'm going to go see a movie with her next week. 来週、彼女と映画を観に行きます。 お役に立てればうれしいです。
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