You must take the stance of absorbing all of this information. Do not think that this has nothing to do with you.
You need to learn all of this. Do not think it has nothing to do with you.
「You must take the stance of absorbing all of this information. Do not think that this has nothing to do with you. 」になると思います。逆に言っても意味が深く理解すると思います。例えば、「Do not think that this has nothing to do with you. You must take the stance of absorbing all of this information.」でもいいと思います。
「You must take the stance of absorbing all of this information. 」の部分を「You need to learn all of this.」でもいいと思います。「これを全部習わないといけないよ。」と言う意味ですね。
「All of the emails that you are CC'd on are things that I am taking care of now, but in future will become your responsibility. If you ignore all of these things now, you'll be in trouble in the future. You should not think that it's fine because now you're not bothered by these things. For your career in the long run, you must be aware that you will need to learn all of the information that comes your way. Do not think it has nothing to do with you and ignore it. Absorb and learn everything.」
Avoid thinking it's not relevant to you and ignoring it. Instead, make sure to absorb and learn everything.
All of the emails you're CC'd on are tasks that I'm currently handling, but in the future, they will become your responsibility. If you disregard these now, it could cause problems later on. Don't assume it's fine just because it's not affecting you at the moment. For the long-term success of your career, it's crucial that you take the time to learn all the information that comes your way. Avoid thinking it's not relevant to you and ignoring it. Instead, make sure to absorb and learn everything.