It became an opportunity for more people to become interested in this event.
英訳として「With problems relating to history existing in every country and region of the world, there is much we still do not know. Precisely for that reason, I hope this event will become an opportunity for more people to strive for greater understanding of each other.」
「I think this event has become that opportunity for more people to share their interest with each other.」
「言語の違いで言い争いが起こる」 →
「quarrels arise from differences between languages」
「どの国や地域にも」とは「any country or region (in the world)」「(世の中の)どの国や地域にも」、又は提案したように「in every country and region of the world」になります。
「だからこそ」 → 「precisely for this reason」
「to use ~ as an opportunity to...」または「~ was the impetus for...」とはよく使う言い方です。
「分かり合う努力をする」 → 「to strive to understand each other」
「関心を持ち向き合える機会」 → 「an opportunity for people to share their interests」