Your remark contradicts what you just said a while ago.
You said another thing (just) a while ago, right?
(just) a while ago ちょっと前 ・さっき
right? は、アメリカ式の言い方で、確認する時に文の最後に付けます。
イギリス式ですと、学校で習った didn't you? となります。
Your remark contradicts what you just said a while ago.
remark 発言
contradict 矛盾する
what you said あなたが言ったこと
what は= the thing that で、先行詞を含む関係代名詞です。
You said that differently a while ago, didn't you?
さっきは違うふうに言ってたよね?と言いたいのでYou said that differentlyとしましたがほかにも色々言い換えができるかと思います。
You were saying something different just a while ago.
That's contradictory to what you just said.
You were saying something different just a while ago.
That's contradictory to what you just said.
contradictory to ~「~と矛盾している」