I also noticed that the little trump does not speak much compared to other actors in the movie. Rather, 画面いっぱいに動き回ったりジャンプしたりして面白い雰囲気を作っている。。。という事が言いたいのですが、上手な書き方が分かりません。
He creates a funny atmosphere by moving around the screen a lot and jumping and so on.
He jumps and moves around the screen a lot, creating a funny atmosphere.
he moves around the screen a lot
he moves around the screen a lot
He jumps and moves around the screen a lot, creating a funny atmosphere.
次の文は雰囲気を作っていることに注目で、"and so on" を使って、ジャンプと動きだけではなくて他に言われていない行動も含めています。
He creates a funny atmosphere by moving around the screen a lot and jumping (and so on).