You have to watch it several times to understand it.
You've gotta watch it a few times before you'll get it.
「何回も見ないと分からない」は英語でいいますと「You have to watch it several times to understand it.」になります。
「何回も」はこの場合で「Several」を使っても大丈夫だと思います。「Many times」でもいいです。
「You've gotta watch it a few times before you'll get it.」はよりもカジュアルな言い方になります。「You've gotta」は「You have got to」と言う意味です。「You'll get it」は「You will understand it」ですね。「分かるようになる」と言う意味です。「何回見ると分かるようになる」と言うことですね。
I think most people need to see it a few times before it starts to make sense.
ーI like the movie Inception. It's quite a difficult movie to understand so you have to watch it several times to get it.
watch it several times 「数回それを見る」
この it は映画のことを指しています。
get it で「理解する・わかる」
ーI'm a fan of the movie Inception. It's a pretty tricky movie to follow. I think most people need to see it a few times before it starts to make sense.
tricky で「難しい・やりにくい」
before it starts to make sense 「理解し始めるまでに・意味をなし始めるまでに」