"Whether the weather is good or bad," とは「天気が良くても悪くても・天気が良かろうが悪かろうが」と言う意味です。「天気を問わずに」と言う意味の "No matter the weather," も言えます。
Lately, whether the weather is good or bad, I don't feel like going outside.
Today, no matter the weather, I have to go out.
"Come rain or shine," 「雨が来ても、晴れでも、絶対に...」も言われていますがこの表現は普段、「必ず外に出る」と言う気分で使われています。
Come rain or shine, I'm not going outside. と言うより Come rain or shine, I will go outside. の方が自然です。
Come rain or shine, we'll have sports day tomorrow.
ーRegardless of how good or bad the weather may be, I don't feel like going outside because there's so much pollen in the air and I don't want to risk getting the Coronavirus.
ここでは regardless of how good or bad the weather may be を使いました。
regardless of で「〜にかかわらず」
there's so much pollen in the air で「花粉がたくさん飛んでいる」
don't want to risk getting ... で「…にうつる・かかる危険にさらされたくない」
ーIt doesn't matter if the weather is nice or not, I just don't want go outside where I could get the Coronavirus from someone. Plus the pollen is really bad this time of the year.
It doesn't matter if the weather is nice or not を使って言いました。
It doesn't matter if ... or ... で「…でも…でも構わない・どっちでも同じこと」
the pollen is really bad で「花粉がすごくひどい」