You'll have to pay the bill out of your own pocket today.
You'll have to pay 100% of the bill up front.
ーYou'll have to pay the bill out of your own pocket today.
pay the bill「会計を済ませる・支払いを済ませる」
out of your own pocket を直訳すると「自分のポケットから」となり「自費で・自腹で」という意味です。
ーYou'll have to pay 100% of the bill up front.
100% of the bill「請求書の100%」=「全額」
up front 「前もって・前金で」
ーIf you bring in your health card by tomorrow, we can reimburse you for the difference.
bring in「持ってくる」
health card「保険証」
ーWe can pay you back whatever your insurance was supposed to cover if you can bring us your health car today or tomorrow.
pay back「払い戻す」
「今日の支払いは自費でお願いします」は英語で「Today, I'll pay for it out of pocket.」と言います。「out of pocket」は「自分のお金で払う」の意味で「何もかばってくれない」のニュアンスが入っています。そして「明日までに保険証を持って来てもらえたら、差額分を返金します。」は英語で「If you come back tomorrow with your health insurance card, we'll pay the difference.」と言います。
I forgot my health insurance card, so today, I'll pay for it out of pocket.
"pay out of pocket"は、「(保険などを使わず)自費で支払う」という意味です。
"We'll reimburse you for the difference if you show us your insurance card by tomorrow."