I saw a man pulling really hard on the leash on his dog.
I saw a man give his dog a really strong jerk on its leash.
ーI saw a man pulling really hard on the leash on his dog.
無理やり引っ張る時は強く引っ張ると思うので、pull (really) hard on the leash と言えます。
ーI saw a man give his dog a really strong jerk on its leash.
give a jerk で「ぐいっと引く」という意味です。
I saw a man pulling really hard on the leash on his dog so he wouldn't be in the way of people coming the other way.
be in the way of ... で「…の邪魔になる」
"The owner was pulling the dog on the leash to avoid getting in the way."
「飼い主が犬を無理やり引っ張っていた」という状況は、"The owner was pulling the dog on the leash to avoid getting in the way." で表現できます。
- "pulling the dog on the leash"
ここでの "pulling" は「引っ張る」という意味で、"on the leash" は「リードをつけて」という意味です。飼い主が犬をリードで引っ張っていた行動を示します。
- "to avoid getting in the way"