If an individual does not have a romantic interest in another person during adolescence, they will likely find themselves being socially awkward as an adult.
ーIf an individual does not have a romantic interest in another person during adolescence, they will likely find themselves being socially awkward as an adult.
「誰かに恋愛をする」は have a romantic interest in another person のように表現できます。
adolescence で「思春期」
socially awkward で「人付き合いが苦手な・社交下手な」
コミュニケーション障害は、socially awkward と言うのが良いかなと思います。
If you don't have a romantic relationship during adolescence, you can't develop good communication skills that will be necessary in the future.
If you don't date anyone during adolescence, you can't develop good communication skills that will be necessary in the future.
If you don't have a romantic relationship during adolescence, you can't develop good communication skills that will be necessary in the future.
If you don't date anyone during adolescence, you can't develop good communication skills that will be necessary in the future.
see you soon♪