I'm still not very good at the guitar, but I'd love to be able to play one of Bob Dylan's songs someday.
I'm still just learning to play the guitar, so I'm not very good yet, but I hope I can play a song by Eric Clapton someday.
ーI'm still not very good at the guitar, but I'd love to be able to play one of Bob Dylan's songs someday.
not very good at ... で「…があまり上手でない」
I would love to be able to play ... で「…を弾けるようになりたい」
ーI'm still just learning to play the guitar, so I'm not very good yet, but I hope I can play a song by Eric Clapton someday.
I'm still just learning で「まだ習いたて」
I hope I can play a song by ... で「…の曲が弾けるといいな」