世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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mi hitomiさん
2016/06/26 00:42
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  • Are you going to eat out or at home?

「外で食べる」を表す "eat out" 「家で食べる」を表す "eat at home" "out"は「外で」、"at home"は文字通り「家で」という意味があります。"out"の使われ方はテイクアウトする時に使われる"take out"と同様です。 そして、これらの単語を使って一つの簡潔な質問文を形成します:"Are you going to eat out or at home?" このフレーズは、「帰宅が遅くなると言ったけど、外で食事をして帰るのか、それとも家で食事するのか?」という意味になります。 関連するフレーズとしては、"Are you going to have dinner before coming home?" (帰宅前にディナーを食べるのですか?)や "Will you dine in or take out?" (店内で食べるか、持ち帰るか?)もあるので、気になる場合は使ってみてください。 紛らわしいかもしれないですが、自然な英語表現を身につけるための一助になるはずです。
DMM Eikaiwa I DMM英会話
  • Will you be eating out or coming home for dinner?

  • Are you going to eat out or be back for dinner?

eat out は外食。 come home for dinner は「家に帰ってから食べる」 Will you be eating out or coming home for dinner? は「外食するの?それとも帰ってきてから食べるの?」という意味です。 be back for dinner 「家に戻ってから食べる」というニュアンスです。 カジュアルで聞きたかったら "Are you going to eat out or be back for dinner?" のほうがいいかもしれませんよ!
  • 1. Are you eating out or coming home?

  • 2. Where do you intend dining this evening?

  • 3. I'll cook a meal and leave it in the oven. Take it or leave it!

1. You ask for information. 2. You try to establish where this person plans to eat dinner. 3. If you are angry because this family member does not communicate well about meals, this option should focus their attention better. A meal left in an oven is likely to be burnt!
1. 情報を求める言い方です。 2. どこでその人がご飯を食べるのか尋ねる言い方です。 3. ご飯についてちゃんと話し合いが済んでいない家族に対して、怒りながらいう表現です。これは、きいている人も気に掛けるでしょう。まず、オーブンの中のご飯は焦げちゃうでしょうけど。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you intend to eat out or come home for dinner?

  • Shall I dish out a plate for you or will you be eating out?

Do you intend to eat out or come home for dinner? You are trying to find out what their intentions are. Shall I dish out a plate for you or will you be eating out? You could frame the question in this way so that the other person knows that you will be putting in the effort of dishing out for them should they decide to not eat out.
Do you intend to eat out or come home for dinner? You are trying to find out what their intentions are. 「外で食べてくるつもり?それとも、夕食を食べに帰ってくる?」 Shall I dish out a plate for you or will you be eating out? You could frame the question in this way so that the other person knows that you will be putting in the effort of dishing out for them should they decide to not eat out. 「夕食を準備した方がいいかしら(お皿に盛る)?それとも、外で食べてくる?」 外で食べて来ないのであれば、わざわざ夕食を用意しなければならないことを伝えている。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Will you be eating out?

  • Will you be eating when you get back?

"Will you be eating out?" This asks the person to tell you if they are eating while they are out. "Will you be eating when you get back?" This asks the person to tell you if they will eat when they come home after been out.
"Will you be eating out?" This asks the person to tell you if they are eating while they are out. 「食べてくるの?」 外出中に食事を外で済ませて来るのかどうか、あなたに教えるように聞いています。 "Will you be eating when you get back?" This asks the person to tell you if they will eat when they come home after been out. 「帰ってから食べるの?」 家に帰ったら、食べるのかどうか教えて欲しいことを表してます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • will you be back for dinner

  • are you coming home to eat or eating out

example "will you be back in time for dinner". or "shall i leave you some dinner in the oven". or "will you be back for dinner or will you grab something while your out".
例文 "Will you be back in time for dinner". 夕食に間に合うように帰ってくるの? "Shall I leave you some dinner in the oven". オーブンに夕食を残しておこうか? "Will you be back for dinner or will you grab something while your out". 夕食に間に合うように帰ってくるの、それとも外で何か食べるの?
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Are you going to eat out tonight? Or are you eating at home?

こんにちは。 さまざまな言い方ができると思いますが、下記のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか: Are you going to eat out tonight? Or are you eating at home? 今晩は[外食](するの?それとも家で食べるの? eat at home で「家で食べる」と言えます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Are we having dinner together tonight?

  • Should we wait for you for supper tonight or you will eat out?

*Are we having dinner together tonight?-If your family usually have dinner at home, then there's no need to say the location because it will be obvious to the the person you are talking to. A:Are we having dinner together tonight? B:Yes I will be there at 7 p.m. *Should we wait for you for supper tonight or you will eat out?- It's a good thing to have meals together as a family. Sometimes it may be impossible due to several reasons. Supper and dinner are both evening meals, many people often use dinner.
*Are we having dinner together tonight? (今夜は私たち一緒に夕食、食べるの?) -あなたの家族がいつも家で夕食を食べるのであれば場所を言う必要はありません。 あなたが話している相手には明らかだからですよね。 【例文】 A:Are we having dinner together tonight? (今日は夕食一緒に食べるの?) B:Yes I will be there at 7 p.m. (うん、7時には帰るよ) *Should we wait for you for supper tonight or you will eat out? (夕食はあなたを待った方がいいの、それとも食べてくるの?) - 家族として一緒に夕食を食べるのはいい事ですよね。 ですが、時々色々な理由で一緒に食事が出来ない時があります。 "Supper"と"dinner"はどちらも夕食と言う意味です。 多くの人は、よく"dinner"を使います。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Are you going to dine out or dine in tonight?

When we go out for a meal, we usually say "dine out". If we are going to stay home and eat something at home, we say we are going to "dine in". You could replace the time of the day ,tonight, with "lunch" or "breakfast" if you wish. Then the sentence would look like this: "Are you going to dine out or dine in for lunch?" Thank you for your question, hope this helps!
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • Will you be eating home or eating out tonight?

  • Are you going to be eating dinner outside or at home tonight?

If you want to ask someone if they are going to be eating dinner at home or if they will be going out to eat, you can say something like "Are you going to be eating dinner outside or at home tonight?" This sentence basically is asking them if they will be home or not for dinner.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Will you be home for dinner?

  • I'm making dinner tonight, will I put you in the pot?

I'm making dinner tonight, will I put you in the pot? - I'm not sure if this is worldwide but this is a common expression in Ireland. It means that you will put food in the pot for someone. Not literally out them in the pot! :) My mum would often say "Will I put you in the pot for dinner tonight?"It simply means, do I want dinner tonight. :) Or you can simply just ask 'Will you be home for dinner today?''
Niabh DMM英語講師
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