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レストランなど、外でご飯を食べること。 たまには外食をして贅沢したくなります。
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2018/07/15 13:04
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  • eating out

「外食」は英語では、"eating out"といいます。 例文: "Should we eat out tonight?" 「今日、外食しようか」 あと、"going to a restaurant"はだいたい同じ意味をもっています。しかし、直接の翻訳は「[レストラン](に[行く](」となっています。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • Eat Out/Eating out

  • Dining out

Eating out or Dining out are the most common terms. They both mean to eat at a restaurant rather than at home. "I like to eat out on Sunday afternoons." "Do you want to eat out for dinner?" "We were planning to eat out. Would you like to join us?" "I like eating out with friends." "Tom does not like eating out by himself." "We were eating out when it started to rain." "My coworkers are dining out tonight and invited me to join them." "Dining out at a 5-star restaurant is a luxury."
Eating out や Dining outは、一般的な言葉です。どちらも、家ではなくレストランで[食事する](という意味です。    "I like to eat out on Sunday afternoons." 日曜の午後は外食するのが好きです。 "Do you want to eat out for dinner?" [夕飯](は食べに行きたい?  "We were planning to eat out. Would you like to join us?" 外食しようと思っているの。[一緒に](どう?   "I like eating out with friends." 友達と外食するのが好きです。 "Tom does not like eating out by himself." トムは1人で外食するのが好きではありません。  "We were eating out when it started to rain." 雨が降り始めたとき、私たちは外食していた。   "My coworkers are dining out tonight and invited me to join them." 私の同僚は、今夜外食するのに私を誘ってくれた。 "Dining out at a 5-star restaurant is a luxury." 5つ星レストランで外食するのは、贅沢だ。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Eating alfresco

  • Dining alfresco

  • Eating outside (in the fresh air)

If you have a meal in an area outside of the restaurant, or the building where the meal is being prepared, this is commonly known as 'eating outside'. Another way to describe this is to include the word 'alfresco' which is originally a Spanish word meaning 'in the open air.' 'Eating outside' is not to be confused with 'eating out' which simply means eating some place away from your home, for example, in a restaurant.
屋外で食事することを"eating outside"(外で食べる)と言います。もう一つは、もともとスペイン語で"in the open air"(屋外)という意味の"alfresco"という表現です。 "Eating outside"を"eating out"(外食する)と混同しないように気を付けて下さい。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Eating out.

  • Dine out.

Native speakers will say like this: “Let's eat out tonight!”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Did you cook anything for lunch? B: No, we're going to eat out today, I reserved a table at a restaraunt.
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “Let's eat out tonight!” (今夜は外食しよう) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 会話では以下のように使えます。 A: Did you cook anything for lunch?(昼食に何かつくりましたか) B: No, we're going to eat out today, I reserved a table at a restaraunt.(いいえ、今日は外食します。レストランを予約しました)
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • Eat out!

  • Dine out!

  • Eat at a restaurant.

If you are going to a restaurant instead of cooking and eating at home then you are ''eating out'' or ''dining out''. You dine at a restaurant therefore you are ''dining out''. Examples: Q: What's for dinner tonight? A: I don't know, I was thinking we could eat out tonight.
家で料理し食べる代わりにレストランに行くならば、「eating out」または「dining out」と言います。レストランで「dine(食事をする)」ので、「dining out」と言います。 例: Q: What's for dinner tonight? (今日の晩御飯は何ですか?) A: I don't know, I was thinking we could eat out tonight. (わかりません。今夜は外食しようと思っていました。)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Eating out

  • To dine out

  • To eat/dine alfresco

If you are talking about eating outside in the fresh air/sunshine then you would use the term 'alfresco' if you are not eating at home then you would say ' we are eating out' meaning not at home/somewhere different you could also say 'We are dining out tonight'
屋外で食べることを言うなら、'alfresco'(屋外で)が使えます。 家以外で食べるのなら、'We are eating out'(外食します)と言えます。家以外で食べるという意味です。 他に、 'We are dining out tonight'(今夜は外食します) と言うこともできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Eating out

  • Dining out

Eating out. Dining out. We will be eating out tonight. We will be dining out this evening. Are phrases to express that you will not be eating at home this evening.
”Eating out"と”Dining out"は「外食する」という意味のフレーズです。 ●We will be eating out tonight. ●We will be dining out this evening. どちらも「今晩、私達は外食します」という意味の例文です。
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • eat out

  • eating out

「外食」は英語で eat out を使って表現することができます。 例: Do you want to eat out tonight? 今夜は外食しませんか? I only eat out on special occasions. 私は特別な日にしか外食しません。 I used to eat out once a week. 以前は週に1回外食していました。 お役に立てればうれしいです。
  • eat out

「外食する」はeat outと言います(*^_^*) 例) How often do you eat out? 「どのくらい外食しますか?」 I ate out yesterday. 「昨日外食しました」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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