世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/06/26 11:17
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  • Accidents caused by people looking at their phones while walking are becoming a problem for society.

  • Accidents caused by people using their phones while walking are becoming a societal problem.

「歩き[スマホ](の[事故](」とは、「歩きスマホが[原因](で起きる事故」という意味ですから、accidents caused by ~ の形で言うことができます。accidents caused by human error なら「人的ミスによる事故」、accidents caused by heavy rain なら「豪雨による事故」となりますがここでは、事故を起こすのはスマホ歩きをする人たちなので、accidents caused by people ~ と続きます。 「社会問題になる」は、become a social problem や become a problem for society で言えます。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • Accidents involving walking while using your smartphone is becoming a social problem

  • Accidents because of the use of smartphones while walking is becoming a social problem

「[事故](」"Accidents" ※社会問題になっているのが一件の事故ではなく、何件も発生している前提ですのでここでは複数系です。 「の」を表す言葉として"involving"だと歩きスマホが要因の一つ、"because"だと歩きスマホが最大・唯一の要因という意味合いです。より歩きスマホが[原因](と強調したい場合は後者がいいかもしれません。 「歩きスマホ」"walking while using your smartphone" "use of smartphones while walking" そのまま直訳はないので少し長めの訳になっています。共に「歩きスマホ」という意味としてわかってもらえますが前者は"your"とあるので対話で話す相手がいる場合です。直訳すると「あなたのスマホ」と特定しているように見えますが、前提として事故に関連する人とくみ取ってくれます。 「[社会問題](」"social problem"となりますが、ニュアンスとして日本ではメディアが取り上げるか否かで決まるように感じますが、英語だともう少し規模が小さくても使われる印象があります。学校内やコミュニティでも"social problem"にはなりえます。ですので規模の大きな社会問題というニュアンスを伝えたい場合は"across Japan"「日本中で」という言葉も加えるとわかりやすいです。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • People who text and walk are becoming a social problem.

There is a common phrase "don't text and drive" to warn people off of using their phones when driving because it is dangerous. We don't mean just texting, it means any phone use. So we also use this for people who use their phones while walking. They are always looking down when texting, using social media, surfing the net, etc.
危険なので、運転する際に携帯電話を使用する人々への警告のための一般的なフレーズとして "don't text and drive" 「運転しながらメールしないように」 というものがあります。 これはただの文字通りの意味だけでなく、電話の使用自体を意味します。 そのため、歩行中に携帯電話を使用する人にもこのフレーズを使用します。 メッセージを送るときやソーシャルメディアを利用している際、またはネットをサーフィンするときなど、人はいつも下を見ていますね。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Walking and texting on smartphone is causing many accidents and it is becoming a problem for society.

>▪ Walking and texting on smartphone is causing many accidents and it is becoming a problem for society. * >This sentence explains that a lot of accidents happen because of people walking and chatting on their smartphones and that this is becoming a serious problem for the people.
▪ Walking and texting on smartphone is causing many accidents and it is becoming a problem for society. (歩きスマホが原因の事故が増えていて、社会問題になっています。) このフレーズでは歩きスマホにより沢山の事故が起こっていて、人々にとって深刻な問題となりつつあることを表現しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Accidents involving pedestrians who use their cell phones while walking have become a serious societal problem.

The use of the noun 'pedestrians' in this sentence instead of 'people who are walking' is appropriate. It is very dangerous for pedestrians to be either texting or talking on their cell phones while they are crossing roads that are used by motor vehicles. Often, the pedestrian loses focus and walks into the road without checking for oncoming traffic first of all. This often results in the pedestrian being knocked down by a car. Society becomes seriously affected by such avoidable accidents. So, you may say: Accidents involving pedestrians who use their cell phones while walking have become a serious societal problem.
pedestrians' という名詞の使い方はこの文章では'people who are walking' (歩行者)の意味で使われています。 携帯電話でメールを打ったり、話をしながら車道を渡ることはとても危険です。しばしば、歩行者は集中しておらず、車が来ているか確認せずに渡ろうとすることがあります。 このしばしば起こることによって歩行者は車に轢かれてしまうことがあります。 そのような避けられたはずの事故は社会に様々な悪影響を及ぼします。 ですので、次のように言うことができます。: "Accidents involving pedestrians who use their cell phones while walking have become a serious societal problem". (歩きながら使う携帯電話による事故は重大な社会問題になっています。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • People using mobile phones whilst walking are a danger both to themselves and others

  • Using mobile phones and walking at the same time is an accident waiting to happen

When there is a situation and it seems obviously dangerous or there is a high possibility of something bad happening, then you may say that it is, 'an accident waiting to happen.'
明らかに危ない、あるいはなにか悪いことが起きる可能性がある状況であるとき、次のように言えます。 'an accident waiting to happen.' (事故になりますよ)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • There are more accidents related to smart phone use whilst walking than ever before.

  • Walking whilst using a smart phone can be dangerous for your health.

Example "There have been more accidents related to people walking whilst talking on smart phones this year than ever before". or "It's proving a dangerous phenomenon in some countries, accident rates from smart phones has increased. People are having accidents whilst walking and talking or texting".
例文 "There have been more accidents related to people walking whilst talking on smart phones this year than ever before". 今まで以上に今年は歩きスマホをする人に関連した事故が多い "It's proving a dangerous phenomenon in some countries, accident rates from smart phones has increased. スマホが原因の事故が増えていることは、いくつかの国では危険な現象が起こっていることを証明している People are having accidents whilst walking and talking or texting". 歩きながら通話をしたりメールをしている時に事故が起きている
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • In today's society, there is a rising number of accidents involving cell phone usage.

  • Cellphone related accidents are on the rise in today's society.

With the rising number of people using cellphones in their daily lives, the number of accidents because of them are too. People are constantly looking down at their phones and causing accidents when walking and driving. Because technology was not present in later years these types of accidents were not common. So in today's society having an accident while walking and using your cellphone is increasing.
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • Accidents involving people using their phones while walking are becoming a problem in society.

  • An increasing problem in society is people using their phones while walking.

  • You can also say, "looking at" instead of "using" their phones.

These are concise ways to saying this. A situation which involves someone is one where people take part or are part of it. Usually the problem is due to the person looking at their phone rather than looking where they are going, so "looking at" is a good way of describing it. You can use your phone (eg by talking in it) while still looking where you are going.
Ian Cameron DMM英会話講師
  • accidents involving people and who are using their phones while the walk are becoming a problem for society"

  • people with the habit of using their phones while walking are becoming a problem for society.

you can either say "accidents involving people and who are using their phones while the walk are becoming a problem for society"or you could also say "people with the habit of using their phones while walking are becoming a problem for society."
Jackk DMM英会話講師
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