Japanese people tend to suppress their anger, so it is scary to wonder when they will explode.
Japanese people have a tendency of holding in pent up anger, so it is frightening when they finally do blow up.
Japanese people are prone to keeping their anger inside, so I am afraid of when they will let it all out.
Most Japanese people tend to suppress their anger, so it is scary to wonder when they will explode.
Most Japanese people have a tendency of holding in pent up anger, so it is frightening when they finally do blow up.
Most Japanese people are prone to keeping their anger inside, so I am afraid of when they will let it all out.
・"to suppress anger"・"to hold in pent up anger"・"to keep anger inside"は「怒りをため込む」を意味します。
・"to explode"・"to blow up"・"to let it all out"は「(怒りが)爆発する」を意味します。