世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/12/02 07:48
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  • It's actually scarier NOT going (to the dentist).

actuallyをつけて、「行かないことで歯の異常に気付かないことの方が《本当》の怖さだよ」というニュアンスになります。 notの部分にアクセントを置いて強調してくださいね。 相手がすでにdentistと言っているはずなので、返事にもdentistをつけると教科書英語調な不自然なくどさが出るので、It's actually scarier NOT going. だけで答えることをおすすめします。
  • If there's something wrong, but you don't go to the dentist, the situation may get worse.

  • Imagine what would happen if there is something wrong with your teeth, but you don't go to the dentist. It might be more painful later.

In both cases you are trying to explain that delaying going to the dentist is not a solution. The more you wait, the worse a potential problem can become. So go now when it's easy to take care of the problem if there is one. If you want to be a bit condescending in a playful teasing way you can also add something like: "Do you want me to come hold your hand?" Of course this is best used among friends. It basically implies the person you are talking to is a child and they need their mom to hold their hand so that they are not scared.
両方の文で、歯医者に行くのを延ばしてもなんの解決策にもならないと言っています。 先延ばしにすればするほど、後々問題は悪くなっていくので、問題の対処し易い今の内に歯医者に行った方が良いという事です。 少しユーモアを交えて、からかって言うのであれば、 "Do you want me to come hold your hand?"(お手てつないで一緒に行って欲しい?) などどいう言葉を加えても良いでしょう。 相手をお子様扱いして、お母さんが手をつないで行くから怖くないよ。という意味合いなので、 もちろん親しい友達にだけ使ってください。
Mihai 英会話講師
  • It'll be much worse if you don't go (to see the dentist)

  • You'll be more scared (of the dentist) if you don't go (to see the dentist)

It'll be much worse if you don't goって「行かなければもっとひどくなります」という意味です。Much worseとは物事がどんどん悪くなっていくことを表します。 "Much worse" is used to make people aware of the consequences. The problem won't go away so they will be more afraid in the future. You could also add "if" at the beginning of the sentences to motivate them more with fear like: "If you don't go, it'll get(be) much worse later on" Notice how I added "later on" to emphasize the consequenses that will come in the future. ”You'll be more scared (of the dentist) if you don't go (to see the dentist)” The part that says "You'll be more scared" is a literal translation of 「のほうがこわいです」. Also notice how I place "the dentist" in parenthesis? This is because the sentence will sound unnatural and redundant if you mention the word dentist more than once. If the other person knows that you're talking about a dentist you don't have to mention the word "dentist" at all!
It'll be much worse if you don't goって「行かなければもっとひどくなります」という意味です。 Much worseとは物事がどんどん悪くなっていくことを表します。 "Much worse"で、どのような結果が待ち受けているか知らしめます。 問題は解決していないので、先々もっとひどい事になるということを表現します。 "If you don't go, it'll get(be) much worse later on"のように文頭に"if"を付つことで、もし行かなかったら、もっと酷い事になるよと恐怖心を強める文になります。 "later on" (後々)を付けると、これからどうなるかを更に強調することができます。 ”You'll be more scared (of the dentist) if you don't go (to see the dentist)” 上記の文で"You'll be more scared"は直訳すると「のほうがこわいです」の意味です。 "the dentist"をカッコの中に入れたのは、状況によって言う必要がないからです。 もし既に聞き手もが歯医者について話をしているのが明確なら何度も"the dentist"を繰り返すのは不自然に聞こえます。
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • If you do not go to the dentist the problem could get worse

  • I know you are scared but it is better in the long run if you go

  • You will feel much better once you know what is wrong and it is fixed

You are trying to explain that the longer they put it off the worse it will get and when they finally do go it will be more painful.
Jessica B DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Best see a dentist to be sure there's no problem

  • 2. I's rather be brave for a few minutes than suffer a lot of pain

1. Best + VERB - we use this form to give advice about a better or more intelligent way to do something in the opinion of the speaker: "Best go to bed early tonight and be fresh for our journey tomorrow." 2. ''..rather..." - we use this form when explaining a preferable course of action: "We'd rather wait for a bus than spend a lot of money and go by train."
1. Best + VERB -この構文は、何かをするときのいい方法、頭の良い方法などを相手に伝えたい、アドバイスするときに使う表現です "Best go to bed early tonight and be fresh for our journey tomorrow." 明日の旅行に備えて今日は早めに床につこう! 2. ''..rather..." -この構文は、好ましいやり方であったり行動を相手に説明するときに使います。 "We'd rather wait for a bus than spend a lot of money and go by train." 電車でお金使うくらいだったら、バス待った方が良くない?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's scarier to not go and found out if something is wrong

  • It's better to go and get your teeth checked

  • I'm sure you will be fine, it's better to get your teeth checked

Some people are really scared or frightened to go to the dentist but it's better to go and get your teeth checked as you only get one set so it's good to make sure they are fine and everything is ok to reassure them or offer encouragement you can offer kind words like 'I'm sure you will be fine'
歯医者をすごく恐れる人もいますが、歯は一つしかないのでしっかり診てもらった方がいいですね。ですから、「大丈夫だよ」と励ましてあげるといいでしょう。 'I'm sure you will be fine'(きっと大丈夫だよ)といった優しい言葉で相手を励ますことができます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Not going to the dentist is worse than being scared!

  • It's better to be scared than having your teeth fall out!

"Not going to the dentist is worse than being scared!" "Its better to be scared than having your teeth fall out!" these sentences imply that it is better to be scared and go than suffer the consequences of not going and then your teeth fall out.
"Not going to the dentist is worse than being scared!"(怖がることよりも歯医者に行かないことの方が悪いよ) "It's better to be scared than having your teeth fall out!"(歯がなくなるよりは怖がった方がいい) これらの文は「歯医者に行かずに歯がなくなるよりは、怖がって歯医者に行った方がいい」というニュアンスです。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Not going to the dentist is much scarier.

Not going to the dentist is much scarier. 歯医者に行かない方がよっぽど怖いよ。 much scarier は「よっぽど怖い」という意味になります。 dentist で「歯医者」になります。 例: You say you don't want to go to the dentist because it's scary, but not going to the dentist is much scarier. 怖いから歯医者に行きたくないと言うけれど、行かないほうがよっぽど怖いよ。
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