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学生は、アルバイトをして社会経験を積んだほうが良い。 とは何と言えばいいでしょう?
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2016/06/27 23:38
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  • experience in the real world; real-world experience

「社会経験」は二つの言葉に分かれたら「society」と「experience」になりますが、「社会経験」と言いたいなら「society experience」は英語で少し不自然です。 それより、下記の文章の方がいいと思います。 experience in the real world real-world experience 英語圏では、学生生活と[社会人](の[生活](を比べている時には、学生生活より社会人の生活の方が「real-world experience」とよく言われます。「Real-world experience」は日本語に直訳したら「実際の世界の経験」や「本当の世界の経験」という意味です。 「学生は、アルバイトをして社会経験を積んだほうが良い。」は英語では: Students should get some part-time jobs in order to build real-work experience. Students would be better off gaining experience doing part-time work in order to get some experience in the real world. <ボキャブラリー> real-world = 現実世界の real world = 現実世界 experience = 経験
  • social experiences

[学生](は、[アルバイト](をして社会経験を積んだほうが良い。 → Students should gain social experiences through part-time jobs. 参考になれば幸いです!
  • Work experience

  • To get a taste of the real world

Students often take holiday or part time jobs and this takes them out of the educational arena, giving them a taste of the real world. Work experience like this is generally considered to be an essential learning experience on many levels including: getting on with people, understanding the value of hard work, and the economic challenge of living on a limited income.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Real-world experience

  • Work experience

1. Real-world experience is experience gained in the real world. This phrase is commonly used to describe the hands-on work experience gained by students who have completed a period of study at an institution. Example:- 1. I have a Masters degree in Business Management, but now I need some real-world experience so I can put my skills to use.
1. Real-world experience is experience gained in the real world. このフレーズは、その施設で勉強している生徒によって得られる一般的で実践的な経験を表現します。 例文 ビジネスマネジメントの修士がありますが、スキルを使うための現実世界の経験が必要です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • work experience

  • experience the real world

  • work placement

example "I would like to find a work placement for my daughter,  I think this will give her experience in the real world." or "Work experience is a good idea for young people as it gives them a taste of the real world." or "I think work placements are great for young people as it gives them experience in the reality of the world of work."
 "I would like to find a work placement for my daughter, I think this will give her experience in the real world." 娘に働くところを見つけたいんです。現実を経験できると思うからです。  "Work experience is a good idea for young people as it gives them a taste of the real world." 本当の世界を味わえるので、若者にとって、社会経験はいいことです。  "I think work placements are great for young people as it gives them experience in the reality of the world of work." 仕事の世界の現実を経験できるので、若者が社会経験をすることはすばらしいことだと思います。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • work experience

  • An internship is a great way to get work experience...

It can be a bit of a vicious cycle...You want to work/Can't get a job... (no experience!) So it is an option to volunteer for a short time and work free to "learn job skills"... This is work experience (paid or unpaid) its all about learning. "An internship is a great way to get work experience..."
これはある意味、負のサイクルです。仕事をしたいけれど仕事に就けない状態だからです。 (経験がないからです!) 短い期間ボランティアをすることや "learn job skills"(社会経験を積む)ために無料で仕事をすることはひとつの選択肢です。 給料を支払われようとも支払われなくても、これが社会経験であって学びが最も大切なのです。 "An internship is a great way to get work experience..." (社会経験を積むにあたってインターンシップはとても良い方法です。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Work experience

Work experience is a period of time that a young person, especially a student, spends working in a company as a form of training. In the UK, 'work experience' is a part of the state education system, and takes place for one week, sometime during the last two years of high school. Pupils will spend one week out of the school and with an employer, where they will assist with actual real work in the company. This gives them a taste of what it is like in a real working environment, which can help them understand society and the world of work, so that when they leave school, they may better be able to choose which career or further education path to take.
"Work experience"(社会経験)は若者、特に学生がトレーニングとして会社で働いて過ごす期間のことです。 イギリスでは、"work experience"は国の教育システムの一環で、高校の最後の2年間のある期間、1週間実施されます。 生徒たちは学校外で1週間雇用主と過ごし、実際に会社で働くためのサポートを受けます。これによって、実際の労働環境はどんな風なのか生徒に肌で感じてもらい、社会や働く世界を理解してもらいます。 そして、学校を卒業した時、生徒たちはどんなキャリアを歩むのか、さらに教育を受けるのか、より良い選択ができるようになります。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Experience things in the real/actual field.

本当の現場での経験を積んだほうがよい、という意味になります。 大切なことですね♪
Yuiko Manager Research & Administration, ECC Junior講師
  • Real-world experience.

  • Experience in the real world.

  • A taste of the real world

We can change the order of the first two examples here by saying that we are hoping for more of a, "real-world experience," or that someone should go and get some, "experience in the real world," as a way to learn more and improve themselves in life. We can also talk about the, "taste of the real world," when talking about our live experiences outside of school.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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